What If I Pee Myself On The Soccer Field? I #AskASoccerPro Show Ep 080

00:00 – 02:45: Welcome To The #AskASoccerPro Show Ep 80!
02:47 – 08:08: Will Quincy Return To Play Soccer?
08:11 -11:20: How Many Days A Week Does Quincy Train? @ferramirez_14_
11:21 – 14:21: How Quincy Changes His Training When He’s About To Join A Team @ferramirez_14_
14:23 – 18:49: What Does Quincy Think About The Quakes Advancing In #MLSisBack Tournament? @shannonmeier1136
18:51 – 24:59: Is It Possible To Go Pro At 23 With No Semi-Pro Experience? @andersfsflow
25:00 – 27:42: Why YOU Should Make A Highlight Reel @connor_johnson2028
27:45 –30:03: Not In The Starting XI? How To Deal With The Mental Aspect Of Not Playing. @oscarrmejia
30:04 - 33:41: Why The Three S’s Of Self-Awareness So Important?
33:42 – 42:45: What If I Pee Myself On The Soccer Field? @lunacysoccer
42:46 – 47:03: Where To Go When You’re Ignored By A Coach And Need A Community That Can Help
47:07 – 51:58: Perfect Soccer Gamer Dylan Joins The Live! @nocontext_dylan
52:03 – 53:46: Quincy’s Recommendations For College Freshman Joining A Soccer Program? @_rubz11
53:51 – 58:24: How To Help Teammates Who Struggle With Their Mentality @john_hollinger27
58:25 – 59:54: Where Can You Get Your Own Perfect Soccer Bundle?
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Quincy Amarikwa (00:00):
We're all here to ride the MSL wave. The #AskASoccerPro Show. I'd like to welcome you to another episode of the #AskASoccerPro Show. C underscore E L F a R O. What's going on? Katie joining and Joe Jackson. What's going on T a T. How am I supposed to pronounce your name? I know I always say T, but you had you'd you'd written out how to say it appropriately. Ryan, one L he said, what's up Quincy? What's going on, Ryan? Joe Jackson said, yo Quincy, what's up? Katie said what up? F E R a F E R Ramirez 14. Giving me a wave. What's going on Sammy. Welcome as always Connor. Johnson's joining in Jose Pardot. Brett Pratto 10 said what's good Quincy a, you know, it's good. It's the good word. It's time for another episode of the show. And I'm excited to get in today, get into today's episode, you know, shut up. I told her on that, so let's see what we got here. Ooh,
Quincy Amarikwa (01:09):
Quincy Amarikwa (01:12):
Anders, Flo, what up, dude? I love your book. Perfect soccer and a lot of motivation, you know, thank you very much as you guys can see on the screen there, you see the little perfect soccer player, blueprint action. You'll shout out towed or for the dope dank meme. For those of you don't know, we just released the perfect soccer bundle, which is
Quincy Amarikwa (01:32):
Everyone I'm getting juiced with. What's coming out and how we're getting everything together. And I'm loving seeing everyone spamming that heart button. Cool. We're making ultimate ultimate things, dreams, everything come true. And one of the dope things I'm juiced about releasing and letting everybody know is available is the perfect soccer bundle. So it makes sure you hit over the perfect set of skills.com/store and check out what comes with it. Perfect soccer goal, perfect soccer balls skills Academy, be pro weekly training program. The perfect soccer player blueprint, the ultimate soccer college, college soccer recruiting boot plant, and more but that's a dope bundle that is coming at you at an extremely discounted amazing price. But let's see what else we got here. I'm seeing everyone's spam that heart button. So I'm seeing that many of you have probably just become aware of the perfect soccer bundle.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:21):
And I'm hoping to hear that many of you are copying your own perfect soccer bundle here soon. But again, shout out honors for saying he he's read. The book, loves the book. Joe co the gunners is joined in mass journalist is joined in and you know what it is when I ended up falling behind Tony, what's going on in Shannon, what's happening Taya T T. His name is Taya. Thank you very much. Ramirez asked, are you still going to play soccer? Well, I'm still a free agent, and I think the quarantine has just thrown a wrench into everything, the regular normal systems and processes. But I also do believe that this has been a great opportunity in time for many individuals, especially higher up in organizations to self reflect on what it is they were doing that got them to where they're at, but more importantly, that the changes in evolution and thinking they're going to need to have to make in order to evolve into what I think comes post quarantine.
Quincy Amarikwa (03:19):
So I know the MLS is back tournament is getting into the later stages. A few teams have been sent home. So I think many people are gonna start thinking about what happens after the tournament and what that means and what they're going to need to start putting into place so they can, they can build, they can build towards they can build towards building a longterm winner's mindset and longterm longterm goal for their organization. So what's been going on and that'll actually be good cause I'll, I'll transition into, I just had a, I just completed my my interview with the guys over at the designated player plot podcast. Last night, that podcast ended up going well over three hours, dope conversation, lots of insight. If those of you are wanting to get up to date as to kind of this, the state of soccer in America, as I currently see it based on my 11 plus years of professional experience, that podcast will definitely be the one that you want to check out, listen to download a relisten, to take notes on and you know, yeah, take notes and and take notice to see how things transpire and play out here, moving forward.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:42):
Quincy Amarikwa (04:42):
As most of you
Quincy Amarikwa (04:44):
Should know, if you don't know, this is the #AskASoccerPro Show episode 80. I'm pretty sure we're on episode 80 almost to the century club. And I'm excited to have you guys join in because I'm here to talk to you guys about the MSL or the mental strength league. Yes. I've been a major league soccer pro for over 11 years now, but the reason and ability and the way that I was able to get to year 11 and hopefully we'll see here year 12 and beyond is all thanks to the MSL or the mental strength league. The mentality that we discuss here every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST live on the perfect soccer account. Shout out Joe Jackson already dropping that I'm in your head emojis for 20 more episodes or [inaudible] yes, but on this show, we break down the AmeriCorps process. The seven step process that is necessary for you to be able to accomplish your goals.
Quincy Amarikwa (05:48):
If you want to reach your goals, let's make this a little bit bigger. If you want to reach your goals, if you want to reach them, you got to get down with the MSL. Cause this is the mindset and mentality you need to accomplish your goals to overcome that negativity, that insecurity that self doubt. And how do we do that? Can, can people drop down in the chat, those of you who have been around for a while, gotten a lot of value out of the brand, the MSL mentality and practice what we preach here every Thursday. Can you let me know what the three S's stand for, which is the pillar and foundation to the AmeriCorps process, the pillar and foundation to the MSL, our mentality and our community. Cause I'd love. I'd love to see if if our community can help educate those who may be paying attention or listening in for the first time as I start to look at the questions that are coming in, you know, shout out Joe, thank you, Joe, for putting that in there.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:43):
Let's pin that comment down there. The three S's. So if you guys could drop below what the three S's stand for, that would be amazing. And while you guys are dropping that below, as well as your comments and questions, I'm going to scroll back up a little bit here and start making my way through the questions. Over time GH said, keep up the good work boss, always, always in forever. Chris Floyd soccer said, I want to get a perfect soccer match ball so bad. How much is it? Well, well, Chris, the retail price of the ball is I think it's 89 95. It comes with free shipping and a lifetime warranty of the ball, but, but that's not. What's beautiful. I want you to head over and check out the perfect formation, right? The perfect formation, which is the perfect soccer bundle that is now live on the site.
Quincy Amarikwa (07:45):
And you're going to be able to get the ball, the goal, and all the other additional bonuses and content for an extremely reduced baller price. But if you want to get the ball by itself, Hey, go ahead. No problem. I love that. It's amazing. You're going to love it. It's great. But I definitely suggest you check out the bundle because if you wanted the ball, you're going to, you're going to faint over the bundle. Let's see, let's see F F E R R a M I R E Z, underscore 14, underscore asks, how many days a week do you train Quincy? And that all depends on where I'm at in the season and if I'm in my free agency or if I'm with an actual team and organization. So let's talk about today, how it works, how it looks, how I'm, how I train as of right now.
Quincy Amarikwa (08:39):
So typically when I'm in between teams and I don't know how long it's going to be before I may be joining an organization or team, I I really spread out my fitness and and, and, and keep a base level. And I've talked about this in the past that I understand that puts me about two weeks out from being 60 minute game fit. Now this is something that you'll probably be able to do and figure out once you have a bit more of experience and you understand your body a bit, a bit more, and when you're first starting out, you know, you're learning your body, you're learning your tendencies. What, what your physiology is, how foods affect you, how they, how they may or may not affect you, how training programs and different types of things may or may affect you. But by the time you've gotten to 11 years at the professional level, I would assume, or I'd hope that you've gotten to a level of understanding of your body and for me and for my physiology and how I how my body works to be about two weeks out from 60 minute game fit, I can work out three days a week.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:43):
So I'll typically go Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and I'll I'll have steady state runs and body weight exercises that I do on circuit. Every Monday, every Wednesday, every Friday, typically in the morning when I first wake up or, you know, after I get the kids through through their routines unit stuff. Now what that allows me to do is it allows me to build and maintain a certain level of stamina and cardio, right? So that if, and when I get that call from a team or organization about, Hey, we'd like you to join. We want you to get integrated. With, with having that baseline, I can, I'm able to, within two weeks, get 60 minutes fit for whichever type of organization that I'm joining. So, you know, if you're an organization that's a four 42 and you want to target striker, who's making runs in the box.
Quincy Amarikwa (10:30):
That's different than a four, three, three winger winger forward who has to play both sides of the ball. So I stay in a state that allows me to get fit for whichever organization, a team I eventually joined and the philosophy of the coach, right? So as I start to see how things are trending, I'll then start to adjust my training to now ramp up for if I'm anticipating or believing, there might be an opportunity or chance that I'll be joining an organization. So before the quarantine I was, I was under the belief and feeling that, Hey, things are starting to trend. I'll probably be joining an organization here soon, so I can start to ramp up then quarantine happened and that completely tapered that off. And I created a little bit of time for me to get rest and then got back to that baseline.
Quincy Amarikwa (11:21):
Now I'm starting to get that feeling again, right? Hey, there there's an opportunity or a chance that I probably may be joining an organization here sooner, rather than later, it doesn't mean it's guaranteed, but when that happens, then I'll start to increase my, my, my my training. So now I'm more at I'm still doing Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but I'm doing two sessions a day now. So we'll, I'll do the steady state stuff in the morning with the body weight and then touches touches in agility work. And then obviously I'll start working. I'll do all the things, especially a lot of the organizational stuff with black players for change. There's a massive amount of work that's been going on behind the scenes for quite some time. So I've been very heavily involved in that amongst the other things that we've got going on.
Quincy Amarikwa (12:09):
So then I'm transitioning to that. And then by the afternoon, then I'll go and have my secondary workout, which is more a steady state run with more body weight stuff. And sometimes a little bit of touches on the ball if I'm feeling inclined, like at that point in the morning, whether I feel like it or not, I'm getting touches in the afternoon. It comes down to if I'm feeling if I, if I want to, if it's fun, if it, if I feel inspired and I think many players understand what it's like, sometimes you just, you just don't feel inspired. You don't feel like doing it. You don't feel like being out there. You don't feel like touching the ball. On those days, those are the days that I forced myself to get touches on the ball. The days when I feel like I don't need it the days where I feel like I don't want to, or the days that I make sure I do at least a base level so that I don't start to create slowly deteriorating habits that that come up and bite me in the butt, you know, two or three weeks from now.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:08):
So hopefully that gives you guys a bit of, you know, perspective and kind of context of how to kind of build maybe in your mind some, some ways of which you can, you can build out your regimen and what you're doing. So if you guys are enjoying that and you like that, if that's helpful, share a little bit of insight, some feedback for me with what you guys are thinking just from that, on that routine. Cause like I said, I only want to spend time talking to you guys about things that you find valuable that you like. And if I'm not seeing you as spam the heart button and give me some feedback as to you, if you like it or not, I'm not going to share that type of information anymore. Cause what's the point. You guys know what it is. Time's our most valuable asset out here and there's no chance.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:53):
There's no guarantee as of right now that you're going to get any more of it. So this is an investment of our time. I appreciate the fact that you guys are willing to invest your time here with me. Listen to me, talk, ask me questions, but I want to be mindful of making sure I'm, I'm over delivering value, leaving every exchange haven't given more than I received. Cause you know, that is a pillar of our purpose here. I'm seeing you guys spam that heart button. So I appreciate that. Thank you very much. Let's see what we got here. Shannon asked Shannon, M E I E R one one three six. Asks what do you think about the quakes advancing? So I'm just now fully aware in this moment that the quakes have advanced through the tournament. I think I general, I was generally aware that they had Beaton's they kind of pulled their way through and, and being the team to kind of advance in the tournament, which also ties to what I spoke about last night on the designated player podcast about culture investing in culture and the need for that to actually have an opportunity or a chance to build a team that could, that can win something.
Quincy Amarikwa (14:58):
And I think San Jose has been doing a good job of that. As of late, I think w since I've, since I've not been with the organization, so since I was traded to Montreal they eventually, so towards the end of the year, I was traded to Montreal. Then at the end of that year, who was the coach at the time? Oh man, was it, I forget lots of coaches, I forget. But my main point is they brought in Almeda. And from what I've seen over this last year and a half, I think he's halfway into his second year, right? He's been extremely focused on building culture and an identity around that organization. And I think that's something that's been massively needed. It doesn't mean that it's going to pan out and result in championships, but it will mean at the very least that there's going to be comradery.
Quincy Amarikwa (15:49):
There's going to be a brotherhood. There's gonna, there's going to be something that people want to, you know, metaphorically die for on the field. And when you can create something like that, you make it really difficult to to not put yourself in a great position, to, to win games and have an opportunity to win, win championships. Having said all that, I think the, the philosophy and style of play that I've made it has chosen is one that will be very difficult to, to execute on for the longterm in MLS, because of all the limitations of like travel and under normal, typical circumstances, right? If we're doing everything like this tournament style in the bubble, I think, I think his philosophy, the way he's approaching it is, is kind of ideal for it. But when you're, when you're talking about the situation of traveling across country and the, the, the, the vast degree of different environments that you're preparing for and everything that comes along with what is MLS that's a kind of different, different ballgame, but that's kinda what I'm thinking about so far right now GK underscore L O R E N Z O S.
Quincy Amarikwa (17:05):
Do you know where I can find anything, any training drills with just me and someone else? What do you know where I can find any training drills with just me and someone else? I'm not really understanding that question. Are you saying you need a place to have training drills for, for just you, and if that's what you're looking for, I'd say go to perfect soccer skills.com/login account that's perfect soccer skills.com/login account, create yourself a free perfect soccer team membership accounts. And you'll be able to get access to all of our one-on-one or individual training drills, as well as our B pro training program. And some other tools and resources if saying to work with someone else one-on-one depending on where you're at, I would say to apply for our B pro be pro by perfect soccer program, which you could do@perfectsoccerskills.com slash B E P R O that's perfect soccer skills.com/b E P R O Ryan RB, pro general manager.
Quincy Amarikwa (18:06):
We will receive your application and we'll figure out how best to help you get connected with a pro who can work with you one on one, but that's a, you know, that's a paid service. So be mindful of that when filling out the application play P L a Y a w a Y G L O B a L underscore said, looking forward to hearing it and would love to have you on our show too, as well. Well, it reach on out, send a, an email to contact and perfect soccer skills. I've come with your request, what you're looking to do, and we'll see what we can make happen. Honor's we're flying, we're flying through the questions here, guys. I'm loving this. This is great. Andrea is a N D R S F S F L O w asks, is it possible to make it to the MLS at age 23 with no, semi-pro do you want to experience, but an insane hunger to be a professional, absolutely obsessed to make it a reality and legit skills.
Quincy Amarikwa (19:06):
Now, Anders, I will never say that something is impossible, but I can tell you what you were saying is nearly impossible. So understanding that means you are putting you are up against you're up against massive odds to make that happen. It doesn't mean that it can't happen, but the amount of work, effort, energy, and strategic, the strategic nature for which you need to operate to make them happen is top, top level stuff, man. And if, if you're serious about it and you're committed to it, then let's see. So let's break it down. Like if, if I was 23, so let's look at it, knowing what I know now and what it takes to get to the MLS level and the higher levels in the experiences that I have and to be here, right? Knowing what I know now, if I could know all of that being 23, but knowing I have no con connections, no context, no, nothing, none of that.
Quincy Amarikwa (20:16):
Where would I start? I would start, I think I would start with, I would start with becoming like a, like a trainer or like a, an assistant trainer or water boy for the organization or team. Okay. So now we're getting now we're thinking about it. That's where I would start. I would start with that because if you don't have any previous experience playing in, in, you don't have a resume or track record, nobody is going to even give you an opportunity or chance to even like, you might be able to go to a paid tryout, but nobody's looking at anybody at Patriots. They're just looking at that as an opportunity to maybe make some revenue or money for the organization and create promo material and marketing material, to get more people, to come to future games and learn about tickets and stuff. That's just, that's a marketing tactic.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:08):
And, you know, people don't understand that or know that then here now, you know, okay. It doesn't mean it's not worth going to, because you can see where you stack up compared to competition and other people who want to be there. But the likelihood that you go to that and you get picked up is, is probably lower than the chance of you making it to the pro level. So with that understanding, and because I know that, and I understand that where I'm saying where I'd start out if I was 23 and I want to make it happen. And I was actually good enough to play, I would become like a, an athletic trainer or like an assistant, or try to get in with an organization and be water boy, whatever I would, I would wash clothes. I would make kits. I would get it coffee for the coaches.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:47):
I would do whatever I needed to do to be a part of the organization. And then through that, I would learn the philosophy of the team, the philosophy of the coach, how the organization ran and worked, that might take you a year or two all while training and doing additional things on my side on the side, on my own listening to the HASC the ASCA soccer pro show every Thursday you know, focusing on my MSL, doing my time management seat, reading the books doing individual training on my own, trying to play any, and every opportunity I possibly could. I would talk to the pros on the team if, if they were open and willing to have those conversations with me to learn as much as I could from them as quickly as possible, I would offer to train them for free.
Quincy Amarikwa (22:31):
And by that, I mean like, Hey, if they just want to show up and shoot after training in August shag balls for them, and that's what it takes, then that's where I start. And I would do that. And then maybe eventually they'd let me take some shots with them. Then maybe we could work together. You know what I'm saying? It's building relationships. This is the long slow grind I'm telling you guys what I would do. And more importantly, how I went about building my career, it was going about it like in this manner. And if it was necessary for me to do these things, this is what I would have done. And I've done even more in terms of just everything. And I'm sure I'll, I'll share more of those stories here in the future. And as you guys asked, but that's where I would start and that's how I'd go about.
Quincy Amarikwa (23:11):
And my plan would be like, hopefully in three to five years, I've developed enough of a name and people understand and know that I could hang that they would actually let me show up to the tryout with the team or go through preseason with the team to see if I could earn a contract that might take, you know, two, three, four, five years. So you're 23. Now, maybe by the time you're 28, you've earned the opportunity to come to preseason with that organization that you've been a part of. Now you have an actual opportunity and chance to sign a contract. Why? Because the team knows you, they know about you, you earned and got to a position in place where they're you, you've got this opportunity, the likelihood that they're going to be looking at you at that point in time is now there. And now if you perform and you're good enough, maybe then you can earn yourself a contract.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:00):
So that honors is how I'd go about doing it. If you're 23 with none of the connections that you're talking about, that is a great question. And I'm looking forward to when we clip this and share this, cause I think there's a lot of people who would want to know how to do that. And I think most would hear how much work it would take and realize that the likelihood that it all comes together perfectly is very low and not go about doing it. But there might be one of you out there who hears all that thinks about it, says, you know what, let me give that a try, let me do it because either five years is going to pass and it doesn't work pan out, which you know, could happen, or it does, which is amazing. But if it doesn't, if it doesn't, at least you're still a part of the organization and you've learned a lot from that experience and you can then join me on the ESSA soccer pro show here, maybe three or five years from now, let me know what that journey was like, what you learned and and what you got, right?
Speaker 1 (24:57):
What you got wrong. But that's a great question. I like that. And I'm seeing everybody's spamming that heart button, which is great. I've fallen. Wow. I've fallen so far behind all the questions and comments in the community, which is great. Thank you to everybody who's joining in K 23. Hampton said that's a great breakdown. Clap emojis. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Let's see. And I'm going to go through all the other stuff. Taya, Taya, dropping them in your head emojis. Let's see play a awake global asks. Oh, for, okay. He asked for, for what's stopping him from making a highlight reel. Well, actually, if you guys are in need and help of making highlight reels Connor what's Connor Connor said Lord of interns. I think his, he said he wanted his official title, the name to be. So that could be his his internal name, but we're coming up with Connor's official title within the perfect soccer organization. He is he has been an intern for the brand for, I think over a year now plus now, and has been doing some amazing work. He helps create highlight tapes and videos for you guys. So if you're interested in that, make sure you send an email to the account so we can connect you with Connor to get that taken care of on that side.
Quincy Amarikwa (26:23):
Let's see. This is a great guy. So I'm looking through trying to see Connor, Connor McCormick 42 said Quincy for president. Hey, you never know we're on that campaign trail. John Hollinger in 27 said great value and insight on your training routine. Quincy, thank you very much. I'm glad you guys are taking something from that. Conversely, Quincy is an MSL legend. That's right. We got it. We've got to teach you how to teach the people who want to learn. Matt, Matt dropped diamond. You had emojis. Let's see what we got here. Let's see what we got here.
Speaker 1 (27:10):
PO GBA junior, dropping them in your head. Emojis. Welcome. Welcome. I love that when you guys are dropping the emojis, I love seeing, I love when seeing when you guys are dropping the Ivan near and emojis on the MLS, the MLS posts and players posts just everywhere on the internet. I'll be looking at random stuff and I'll see you guys dropping that and loving it. Let's see what we got, man. Lots of people are joining in, which is great to see. Okay. At Oscar O S C a R R R M E J I a asked what's the mental aspect of dealing with not constantly playing or being in the starting 11.
Quincy Amarikwa (27:58):
Okay. Well, as you can see that pin there below courtesy of Joe Jackson, 11, a perfect cyber skills.com/sss would be what I would prescribe for you to make sure you immediately go and listen to after today's episode. Not only do I prescribe that you go do that being your soccer doctor, right. I also recommend that you take notes while listening to that and use those notes to come up with your plan for what you want to accomplish for yourself here, moving forward. And this is the same advice that I gave. I'm a fellow community member who sent an email into the account earlier today. And the reason for that is because of this, right? What we talked about here is how to build a, a, a mentality that allows you to learn how to learn and critically think for yourself. Okay. And, and doing so with the MSL mentality and, and leveraging the three S's of self awareness, which is self honesty, self initiative.
Quincy Amarikwa (29:03):
Self-Accountability, we're able to remove ourselves from our current situation. So we can try to create a plan based on looking at it as objectively as possible. And I think the thing that most people get wrong, and the problems that they run into is they allow their emotions to dictate their decisions, which means they get in their own way. And because of their emotions, they're not able to see how their emotions are preventing them from accomplishing what they want for themselves. And what the three S's of self awareness does is it allows you to have a process of thinking to remove yourself from your emotions so that you can think clearly to come up with a plan to overcome them. So there's nothing wrong with emotions and being emotional and having emotions. Those are, those are good things, and you want to utilize them and you want to leverage them to your benefit, but just as, just as they can be a very good thing and beneficial, they can also be very bad in the sense of they could prevent you from accomplishing the goals that you want for yourself.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:04):
So for instance, like being scared is an emotion, right? Like emotionally you're, you're fearful. And that can be a good thing because I'm scared of this lion. That's coming that the lion over here, I know to avoid the lion because the lion is going to get me. It's gonna, it's gonna eat me. That's good. Fear is good. You want to have that emotional response, but fear is bad. When I need to talk to this person, I need to go talk to my coach so I can learn better how to be, to, to be a better player. And if that fear prevents me from engaging in having that conversation will not that that fear is bad because it's preventing us from accomplishing our ultimate goal of talking to the coaches and necessary to learn what we need to so we can do the work to get better.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:49):
Well, it's bad in relation to accomplishing our goal, right? So what we talk about here and what we're really breaking down is how good and bad is subjective. Two people can look at the same thing and come to two completely different conclusions. And that's what we want to acknowledge. And that's what we do acknowledge here with the MSL mentality in how we critically think about the problem, the problems, the temporary obstacles that we're facing. Okay. And I really go in depth into that. And I keep referring back to the the designated player podcast that I just had last night. Cause we really broke that down. That was like a three hour conversation, really getting into the weeds of that subjectivity art versus robotics versus good versus bad, how that plays out, how you have to use your emotions as a, as an indicator for an opportunity and time to think for yourself.
Quincy Amarikwa (31:45):
So once you start feeling the emotion that's should be a trigger for you to go like, okay, let's think, why do I feel fear right now? Why do I feel anxiety? Let's break this down. I feel anxiety because I'm scared that I'm going to be embarrassed by taking a chance or taking a risk. Or I fear that people are going to ridicule me or criticize me for making a mistake. Right? That's those are, those are fears. Those are real. And you feel them, but usually because you feel them that prevents you from taking action. And because it's preventing you from taking action, you're taking an action, which is inaction. Okay. And, and when, when you get into a place where emotions are dictating your actions, or more importantly, your inaction, you are now controlled by your emotions. And that's when you can't see beyond yourself.
Quincy Amarikwa (32:43):
And that's what we're trying to do our best to talk through and convey to the group and audience so that we can think ourselves out of the, the world we've created for ourselves or the world, someone before us created for us, right. You might not be responsible for where you are now, but you were responsible for where you ended up. Right? and that's the mentality. That's the mindset. And that's what the three S's of self awareness helps build a foundation, a foundation for, as these are good questions, I'm feeling dialed in. What are you guys thinking? What are you guys thinking? Let me know, spam that heart button. If you're, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, give me a little bit of feedback from that, that little that MSL wave that we just went on. Riding that wave Taya said the three S's are self honesty, self initiative and self accountability.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:41):
That's what I'm talking about. Taya. You know what it is? GK Lorenzo said self accountability. What's your, okay. What's your favorite PEs of the three S's of self awareness. That would be great. Joe Jackson said stuff, honestly. Self initiative, self accountability. I loved that. Yeah. GK Lorenzo said self accountability Oh, self that said self responsibility, self self accountability, or sorry. Self-Initiative self accountability. Oh, now you've now you guys are messing me up. Cause you said response responsibility, self honesty, selfish, self self initiative, self accountability. I like that. Yo GK, Lorenzo. You got my head there for a minute, bro. Hey, look at that. The community is getting dialed in. Man, that's that's awesome. Let's see. Let's see what we got here. Loving, loving the comments. Section 11, the community, man. Let's see what we got here. Let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (34:51):
PO GBA junior said underscore PO GBA. Junior said this is amazing. Seeing that I'm planning to try out for a team and I would go on YouTube and watch videos and I'm still planning on going on the perfect soccer website to see what it's all about later. There you go. Okay. Awesome. I think if you go to the link below three S's of self awareness, you can watch that. And in the comment section, there's a link to creating yourself your, your account so you can get access to all the other books, tools, and resources. Okay. So at L U M a C Y soccer asked, what about irrational fears? Like what if I pee myself on the field? Okay. Rational versus irrational fear. So let's use the, what if I pee myself on the fear on the field? Here's the thing you could pee on yourself on the field. So when you're, so when we're talking about rational versus irrational, and when we're saying subjective versus, you know, actual versus subjective, okay. Is it an irrational fear to think about if you're going to pee on yourself on the field, maybe not, maybe you have a bladder issue or problem, and you might literally pee on yourself on the field. So to be scared or mindful of that, would you say that's irrational? I wouldn't say that that's irrational, but within the context of the question, let's, let's kind of drill into that.
Quincy Amarikwa (36:14):
So either
Quincy Amarikwa (36:16):
We believe it's an irrational fear or it could be, how do we overcome that? Well, the best way in my mind, the way that I think about it and how I overcome, what I, or I try to turn things into irrational fears. So I go, okay, I could very well pee on myself on the field is being scared about peeing on myself, on the field. Helpful to me. Does it help me be a better player? Does it help me be dialed in? Does it help me take better touches, make better decisions. Some players play better in a fearful state. So you might see this word, get back to self awareness. You might be a player who knows how to harness fear to perform better on the field. And if that's the case, maybe being scared of peeing on yourself helps you. Right. It could be a good thing.
Quincy Amarikwa (37:05):
Now, if you're talking about, I'm constantly thinking about, I might pee on myself on the field and that is making me be a bad player because I'm not focused on my positioning, my, my understanding of the game. Like I'm making bad decisions because I'm too focused on this irrational fear of peeing on myself. Then I have the visual or I have the visualization exercise of thinking like, okay, why is the thought of ping on myself? So scary. Why am I scared of peeing on myself? What do I think could happen? What do I, what's the worst thing that can happen. And then I think about so this would be negative visualization. What's the worst possible outcome? Oh, IPN myself, everyone sees they point and laugh at me. They call me P P boy for the next year. They call me P people away and everyone in school always Snickers and laughs and calls me PV boy.
Quincy Amarikwa (38:01):
Okay. So, and then they kicked me out of school. Cause the pee on myself, like this is what I'm saying. So this is what I'm saying. They're going to kick you out of school. Cause he peed on yourself. Probably not. So that would be the point where the fear is now irrational. Okay. So you guys can understand where I'm going with this. Okay. So they're probably not going to kick you out of school because of it. But everyone in the school could very well make fun of you for being P P boy and peeing on yourself on the field. And then this is the point where I go. This is the MSL mentality is going like what's so bad about that. Well, I'll feel embarrassed. People will laugh at me and they'll do this. And I go, okay, what's the MSL mentality. What's the MSL mindset.
Quincy Amarikwa (38:41):
We take negativity. And we use that to propel ourselves and push ourselves forward. And I think about it and I go, well, if I pee on myself and everyone calls me PP boy, everybody knows me for being pee people way. Right? And now that's my superpower. I come to school the next day with PB boy on my chest. I'll wear a hat that says PB boy, every time someone goes, ah, ha you're PB. Boy. I go, yeah, PB boy, come over to [inaudible] dot com and buy my path, learn how to play soccer, right? Learn from me. And then eventually you take the power of them to make fun of you away. It's not fun to make fun of you anymore because you like it. You enjoy it. This is great. And this is in alignment with all the people who show up and maybe talk crap about the MSL and me and all that kind of, they're helping us, everybody.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:31):
They are helping you. They're helping you. If you embrace it. If you realize that is your superpower, their negativity is their attention is their time. It's their focus on you. And if you allow that to turn into insecurity, negativity, and self doubt, you won't reach your goals. Your goals will always be out of reach. Okay? But put, put that negativity in alignment with your goals and let it propel you forward. And then to the point, I'm not going to say, Hey, go out there on the soccer field and PP on yourself. Right. But don't be afraid of that happening. And if you are afraid of it happening for me, I'll just tell you what I would do. I would just go on the field, not pee on myself, just so I can get it out of my system. Hey, this scares me. You know what I need to be in myself.
Quincy Amarikwa (40:18):
And this time, this ties to what I was talking about earlier in the call with how I build my, my off my training when I'm in my free agency and between teams, the days in which I feel like I don't want to touch the ball. And I have a good reason, an excuse not to touch the ball cause I've been working hard and things are going good. Those are the days I forced. I go straight out there and I touched the ball more than I want to invite more. I texted ball more than I normally would because I'm not going to allow myself to self sabotage, to sabotage myself from reaching my goals and maintaining my goals because we're here to not only reach our goals, but we want to maintain our goals. We want to, we want to maintain our level and then we want to get better.
Quincy Amarikwa (41:01):
We want to keep moving forward. We want to keep making progress for as long as we want to for ourselves. That's what we're doing. And I'm sharing with you guys. What I would do, how I look at it, what the MSL mentality and mindset is. And if, if I had an irrational fear of peeing on myself and it was preventing me from being better on the field and I couldn't focus and I couldn't do those things, what I would do is I pee on myself so I could get it over with and take care of it. And the next day I'd have a shirt that says PP boy. And I would let everybody brand me as such. And I just deal with that until people got bored of bored of it, that's what I would do. And I hope that through these conversations and the things that we're talking about, cause sometimes they're just ridiculous and they're funny and they don't make sense, but, but that's the mentality you want to accomplish something of, of meaning that's of importance that will create real change, lasting change.
Quincy Amarikwa (41:58):
You're gonna make people angry or you at very least, people are gonna make fun of you or ridicule you all along the way and eventually you'll get there. And when you do, they'll say that they supported you all along the way and they always knew you could make it. And when they, when that happens, that's a whole new experience that will, we can discuss at a later time of how you deal with that and what goes along with that. But I very much appreciate our community and the question you guys send in because it gives me an opportunity to share my experience share my thinking. And I love, I love hearing the feedback of when things are helpful for you. And equally as much when I hear that I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm full of crap. So you guys are helping me be better every day.
Quincy Amarikwa (42:45):
So I appreciate that. Let's see. And we've got about 20 more minutes before the live is a complete. So if you've got any questions, make sure you guys are dropping them here below while I make my way through everything else. I think we are making great time and flying through these questions. I'm loving the engagement today. It seems like everybody has been, has come back refresh and ready to go. Joe Jackson had said, I've definitely had experience with letting emotions control decisions in an inside and outside of soccer. So being able to take emotions out of decision making is very beneficial. There we go. I'm loving that. John Hollinger had said love that being objective and doing an autopsy on your emotions. I like that. Yeah. An autopsy of your emotions. That's good. Let's see. Yeah, but Lucy, that was a good question. I liked that one. I feel K twenty-three Hampton and said, I feel having experience outside of my college career will put me in a better position to play at the next level after college, after college. I believe if you were looking at it that way and you're approaching it as a means to learn something new to better develop your strategy and plan for the future. The answer to that is yes, absolutely.
Quincy Amarikwa (44:28):
Andrew said again, thank you for the insight late for me on the East coast. I'll try to tune in next week. Thank you very much for joining by stopping by. I appreciate that. Let's see Joe Jackson's said my club has passed me up the last few years for moving up while people who I have outperformed have gone up. So I'm getting a trial with the club that's playing at the same level as the higher team. Okay. I think you're starting to have conversations with people in the in the comments section, which is great. Everyone should everyone here should be listening to these gyms. Thank you very much. John Hallinger had asked what about playing in lower divisions first, get video and perform and then move up. Okay. That's what I'm saying. Now I'm loving this. You guys are having conversations in the, in the comment section which is what I always love seeing.
Quincy Amarikwa (45:17):
And sometimes I'm, I'm reading them cause I'm thinking their question, but you guys are figuring stuff out amongst the group, which is, which is perfect, which makes me, which reminds me I'd encourage everybody to go and join the private Facebook group. You get access to that once you create a perfect soccer team membership. So we can continue the conversation over there. John, I think you're in the group, Joe. I also believe I could be wrong. I think you were over there, but this will be great for you guys to continue the conversation beyond the Instagram live chat. And also if you guys have the conversations over in the Facebook group, I'm able to keep up to date or at least chime in and see what's going on. And I also know that we're, we're working to get some people who are wanting to be administrators and interns for the brand.
Quincy Amarikwa (46:06):
I apologize if you know, if you're, you're someone who's, who's who I've even told will come on as an intern or as an not as an ambassador, but a moderator or helping with the community. We are working as fast as we can to get all the systems and processes in place. It's, it's ending up being a lot more work than we were originally thinking. And with all the stuff that I've been focused on with black players for change these last several weeks with negotiations and organizational structure and SLPs and stuff. My focus has been very like the bandwidth has been very much diluted. So I apologize. We are working to get that resolved as quickly as possible, but I still would like to encourage people to head over to the private Facebook group. I proceeded the understood. I appreciate the answers. Quincy, thank you for your time and perspective. Of course. Thank you for stopping by and asking your question.
Quincy Amarikwa (47:11):
Let's see. Let's see, let's see lots of engagements tonight, guys. I love, I love that kind of about 10, 13 minutes here left you F O K I G six one four asks tips to become a soccer pro. I don't think I've seen you during the community here before. Welcome to the community. And if you want tips on how to become a pro, I suggest you had two perfect soccer skills.com/log in account. Perfect soccer skills.com/log in account. Create yourself a perfect soccer team membership account, read our books for free, go through our webinar trainings and read our articles and listen to our podcasts. Cause they teach you and show you exactly how to become a pro. And let's see,
Quincy Amarikwa (48:04):
Got calling in here. So let's, let's get him in here and seeing what's what's going on on his side,
Dylan (48:13):
Quincy Amarikwa (48:14):
What's going on, brother? How you doing?
Dylan (48:16):
I'm just playing FIFA right now. Work on the team for you guys.
Quincy Amarikwa (48:20):
Ooh, I love that helps. So how far, how far are we from going live on the gamer on the perfect soccer gamer account?
Dylan (48:29):
Um I just got to do that a review video for you guys. And then I got to send that in and then I just need a good password and stuff, but like everything like on the gaming side set up.
Quincy Amarikwa (48:44):
Awesome. I'm loving that. So what are you, what are you most excited about here moving forward?
Dylan (48:49):
Um probably just honestly like the weekend tournaments so far for you guys, that's going to be 46. I already qualified for it. That was all, all done and stuff.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:04):
Nice. I'm loving that if everybody's seeing no context, Dylan is the second official gamer of the perfect soccer game or division. He's helping us get everything set up for what was the ultimate team is the focus, right? Yeah. So while I know many of you guys were joining in for the season, goes on with Earl Edwards jr. While he's been at the game, Melissa's back tournament as well as organizing for the blacklist for change that has been on pause. But Dylan has been here helping to get stuff set up so we can start doing this more regularly here, moving forward. So I'm excited for getting that launched. Let's see. Yeah, no, no else that fix your hair.
Dylan (49:50):
My friend, Roy. Yeah. Nice.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:56):
Let's see. So I'm seeing everybody else on here, so, all right. Well you want to let everybody know what before you're getting up, live on the account where you, where you streaming right now, or are you streaming as of now?
Dylan (50:10):
Um sometimes I stream on my tech talk when I have time and like I post like update videos on like the ultimate team that we got, like flip the camera for you guys. So I, I got all this going on for us and stuff. It's a bunch of decent players, so it should be pretty good entertaining, I think.
Quincy Amarikwa (50:32):
Nice. No, I love that. So what can our community do to support or what, what, what do they need to be doing before you start going live here?
Dylan (50:47):
I think you can just go ahead and if you're like interested in it just, you can go ahead over to my Tik Tok cause I like posts, like update videos on it. I'm probably gonna post a few like just like highlights from games I've done so far and stuff like that. And then probably just promoted more so like more of my followers. See it, and then they go over to the channel and watch.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:10):
Awesome. So you want to let everybody know Were to follow you on ticktock so that we can make sure everybody's staying up to date on all your highlight videos and joining it on the streams.
Dylan (51:20):
Sure. It's just no context Dylan on tape.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:25):
So no context dot Dylan on tic talk guys, make sure you go and follow him. He's a official perfect soccer gamer. Paul Paul PG sports just dropped in given the, the, the jesus' hand emojis and the 100, cause he's looking forward to watching stuff here soon. Dylan, thanks for dropping by bro. I appreciate it. We've got I think five more minutes here. So we'll answer a couple more questions before we wrap up today's show, but I'm looking forward to getting everything launched. You're live with you soon, man,
Dylan (51:56):
For sure. For sure.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:57):
Awesome brother, I'll speak to you soon.
Quincy Amarikwa (52:03):
Thanks for dropping by Dylan. And as we said, make sure you guys go follow a Dylan over on ticktock. He's doing some, some funny and fun soccer, soccer content over there on tick talk. We're excited to have him on with the brand and helping us get the ultimate team going. Let's see you make it any recommendations for incoming freshmen joining a college program. Okay. Ruby underscore R U B Z 11, as any recommendations for an incoming freshmen joining a college program and you guys are gonna hear me say the same things over and over and over again because the truth is true, whether you believe it or not, but head of perfect cyber skills.com/login account that is log in account, create yourself a perfect soccer team membership account. And I would recommend that you go and read the ultimate college soccer recruiting blueprint.
Quincy Amarikwa (53:06):
I think that will be massively helpful for you, especially if you're going to be joining a college program here. As soon as a freshmen, understand the process, start to finish what it looks like, how what you could have been doing to better help yourself leading into it. And then I think what would also be good is listening to some of the college the in depth with Ross episodes that Ross shot talking about his college experience at UVA, being a captain for the team, winning the NCAA championship back in his day. I think many of those lessons in that the insight and perspective would be very helpful and beneficial to to someone who's going to be joining their college program here.
Quincy Amarikwa (53:51):
Let's see John Hollinger 27 asks, what sorts of things do you do to help your teammates who may appear to be mentally off? So so I, I think most players now understand me to be a mental strength coach because they've been seeing what I've been doing for a while a while now, like officially as a mental strength coach, I think I've been one or not. I think I know I've been one for a lot longer than, you know, recently being an official mental strength coach. I was an unofficial mental strength coach and I, and I say I was unofficial because I would notice obviously every single player at different points in time in their career has difficulties that they're going through. And the, the mental side of the game is something that they have to figure out. And I've been always open to having conversations and dialogue with teammates who are willing to engage with me.
Quincy Amarikwa (54:55):
So not all teammates are willing to engage, but many, many, many of them have been. And because of that, I've had a lot of conversations with players to better understand where they're coming from better understand where I'm lacking or I'm not, I haven't done enough or worked hard enough or and providing enough value or communicating in a manner that guys can understand. So I think the simplest way to answer that question directly is just having an open door policy, basically just open line of communication. I think I, I hope most people understand that by sharing with me in this environment, it's a, it's a no judgment zone in the sense of there's a reason you've come to the conclusion you have. There's a reason you believe the things you do. And there's a reason you believe you're right in the way that you're thinking it doesn't mean you are right.
Quincy Amarikwa (55:51):
And it doesn't mean you're wrong. But at least at the very least, I believe I can be open and willing to hear where you're coming from to the best of my ability and ask questions so I can understand I think approaching it that way for the duration and time at which I've I've done, that has allowed me the ability to gain enough experience and understanding and perspective to, to to be able to become an official mental strength coach. Right? And I think many of the players who I talked to and I've worked with who are willing to publicly share that they've worked with me and the things that they've learned from the mentality, the mindset and our personal conversations, I'm very grateful for. And I'm glad that more players are willing to share. If when and how they've worked with me and you know, the players who maybe have spoken with me or have insights and talks about that, that, that side of the game who aren't at that point or level to wanting to share that that's cool as well too.
Quincy Amarikwa (56:57):
So I think the main thing on the mentality side, when you're wanting to help your teammates is not doing it for your, for any reason, other than your fiduciary responsibility to your teammate, which is to help them, help them, help themselves through whatever it is that they're going through. To the extent they're willing to accept your help and not doing it for any other reason, other than that. And I think if you, if you approach it that way over the longterm, good things will happen in the short term, you'll be taken advantage of things. Won't go your way. Things won't look the way that you would like them to look. But if you're doing it with the intentions that you're saying, which is for the betterment of your teammate, sometimes it will be at your expense. And that's what it costs to be the boss, right? And we're here talking about teamwork, dreamwork building bottom up, we're only as strong or as fast as our weakest link slowest player, most lowest IQ, whatever that is. If someone on your team has a low IQ, you have a low IQ and you guys can't move any faster than the lowest IQ. If someone on your team is really slow and you guys want to go fast, well, you can't go any faster than your slowest guy or girl.
Quincy Amarikwa (58:15):
And it might take you longer to get there, but we're talking about building culture. That'll last generations. So we've got a minute here left before Instagram officially kicks me off. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, please spam that heart button drops in Miami and your head emojis. Let me know what you're thinking. Total soccer training 2011 said, well said gave me some thumbs up fist bumps. Okay. Symbols and a soccer ball. Total soccer. I see that you're dropping in your question, but I've got a minute left. So please join in next week. I'll make sure to be on the lookout and answer your questions specifically. But yeah, guys got a minute left here. I want to thank everybody for joining in on episode 80 of the hashtag asset soccer per show. I would encourage everybody to have it over to the site to check out the perfect soccer bundle.
Quincy Amarikwa (59:11):
And if you are so inclined, please make yourself a purchase because an investment in perfect soccer's and investment in yourself. And we're taking that money and reinvesting it in building all the systems and processes and expanding our team. So we can bring more people here on to help especially on the sales and marketing side of stuff here, moving forward. So I appreciate everybody who's joining in. Joe said loved it. Quincy, have a great week F Ramirez drop time in your head. Emojis. Total soccer said. Sounds good. Thank you. Appreciate that. Popa drop the nine. When your head emojis Joe dot a N N five, given the strong arms. I appreciate that guys as always. Thanks for joining in. I'll see everybody next week and I mean, your head.