How I Went From Thinking I Would Never Play Soccer Again... To Becoming A PROFESSIONAL SOCCER PLAYER!
Over the course of my now 13+ year professional soccer career, I've been asked by thousands of aspiring soccer players, from every different kinds of backgrounds, what it actually takes to get to and play soccer at every level...
After spending way more time that I ever should have trying to explain the process (because that’s all it really is, a process) I decided it would be best to just sit down and write an entire book dedicated to answering every question every kid, player, parent and coach has ever asked me about the game.
As well as answer all the questions I felt they didn't know they should be asking me!
Like the most important questions that actually matter when trying to get to the next level...
*Quincy Amarikwa and teammates (DC United) Before Game*
I ended up putting it all (and more) into our FREE book which we ended up titling:
The Perfect Soccer Player Blueprint - Master The 9 KEYS To Soccer Success, become the best player on the field every game.
We actually regularly update the online version of our book because we know it's necessary to help players exactly like you, escape the uncertainty of how to navigate the soccer ecosystem and build a plan for your soccer future.
More importantly, we wanted to be able to actually show you exactly HOW and WHAT it takes to play soccer at any level you hope to achieve.
(From grassroots, youth and club soccer, all the way to the professional level and post career)
That way you can know you’re doing everything you need to in order to become the perfect type of player coaches at every level are hoping to find....
I was sitting right where you, your son, daughter or youth player may find yourself right now, early in my soccer career.
I was on my high school and club soccer teams. Practicing every single day. Traveling to tournaments every weekend. Attending soccer camps. Getting private training…
Living. Breathing. Thinking. Soccer
If there was any way or anything I could be doing or had access to get better at soccer, (or thought I should be doing)
I was doing it.
And no matter how much I practiced, how many tournaments I went to, or what I did. It seemed as though it was to no avail.
I received ZERO interest from college soccer coaches and I thought my dreams of playing soccer past high school were gone FOREVER…
So my plan was to try to walk onto the track and field team for Pole Vault of the best school I got into academically.
It wasn’t until literally my very last club soccer tournament of my Senior Year of High School, where 2 college coaches happened to be sticking around to watch the other team playing, where by what most would consider some stroke of “luck”….
I got seen, recruited, and offered a scholarship, all in the same night.
Now that is definitely NOT the way you should be going about your soccer career “Hoping” and “Winging it” is by far the sure fire way to nose-diving your chances of playing soccer at any level.
But unfortunately for us, my father and I didn’t know any better at the time, and most kids, parents and youth coaches don’t as well...
I went on to play 4 years of Division I collegiate soccer at the University California Davis.
(NCAA Goal Of The Year - Bicycle Kick)
And during that time I learned everything that I ACTUALLY needed to be doing while I was playing youth soccer that would have guaranteed that I wouldn't have been in the situation I was come my senior year of high school.
My time and contributions to the program eventually resulted in me being inducted to the UC Davis Hall Of Fame.
I used what I learned during this time to drastically improve my soccer skills (the ones that actually matter) to the level where I was drafted by the San Jose Earthquakes of Major League Soccer in 2009.
I've been a professional soccer player ever since (13+ years now to date) and currently in Free Agency #SignQuincy2025 Amarikwa.
...I struggled at first to figure out the process, but through persistence, hard work and a willingness to learn, I was able to figure this whole soccer thing out..
But many players I've played with along the way weren't able to do the same, even though (having now played at the professional level for quite some time)
I know that they EASILY had the soccer talent and ability to do so!
The reason they didn't make it was because they didn't understand what I call, the entire "soccer picture"
There is a system and blueprint you need to follow if you truly want to achieve a high level of success in soccer.
A blueprint that most players never figure out, or when they do, it much too late!
My goal is to teach every player who has the dream of playing at the professional level the exact blueprint and training for doing so.
Which is the very reason we wrote our book.
It peels back the curtain and shows you what skills you actually need to develop (and which you need to ignore!) and most importantly, the MIDSET you need to develop if you want to have a chance at making it and staying at a high level!
So you can give yourself the greatest chance to play at whichever level you aspire to reach!
If you're interested in learning more about how to grab a FREE physical or digital copy of our book, you can click the link below to get the full details:
We've also updated and added all our other books, tools and training resources we've since made available.
I wanted you to know a little bit about who I am and the backstory as to why I'm doing, what I'm doing.
I plan to share with you all the tools you'll ever need to become "The Perfect Soccer Player" :)
Be sure to always keep an eye out and subscribe to our YouTube channel, there’s more giveaway announcements, impromptu soccer webinar trainings, workout pdfs, Q&A's with top players and more coming your way.
So be sure to do what you can to make sure you don't miss out!
Thanks again for reading we couldn't do this without you, we appreciate having you as a follower of our brand, and we really mean that :)
Talk soon,
Quincy Amarikwa and the Perfect Soccer Team