What Does Quincy Think About The USL Signing Renewals For Players With The Season In The Air?

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Quincy Amarikwa (00:00):
We're all here to ride the MSL waves. You've mentioned strength. I'd like to welcome you to another episode of the hashtag. Ask a soccer pro Shi Shi
Quincy Amarikwa (00:20):
PISA, cabbage
Quincy Amarikwa (00:26):
Cheese, cheese. Good job, dude.
Quincy Amarikwa (00:41):
It is your peanut butter. I was using it as a stand.
Quincy Amarikwa (00:46):
Hey guys, what's going on?
Quincy Amarikwa (00:51):
Hi, Liverpool FC fan page. I can put my phone back here now. Okay. Thank you.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:00):
What's up Joe Jackson? Yes.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:07):
Hello. N E Y S E K O U 11.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:22):
Climbing on the table, dude.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:30):
Lord's new thing is trying to climb on the kitchen table, which is not safe. Babies should not be on keep on top of kitchen tables. What's up Danny? Hi, Greazy 21. What's up parking fish. Oh, last semi-finals. That's not too good. Hey Ryan, another mommy take over. Yeah, I figured I'd hop on. So Quincy SME guys, no is currently getting his coaching license. So that's going to run, I think until probably six 30 ish. So I figured I'd have bond for 15 minutes. What's going on, George? Hey John.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:22):
Quincy Amarikwa (02:24):
The answer people's questions you guys seem to like, uh, the kids are currently arguing over who gets to eat peanut butter. So that's always interesting.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:44):
Quincy Amarikwa (02:44):
It's going pretty good. Um, I can't complain too much. Lord is trying to keep up with sir. And his language skills are on like another level. I'm just goodness gracious. I'm negotiating
Quincy Amarikwa (03:01):
With a three-year-old and an 18 month
Quincy Amarikwa (03:03):
Year old. Yeah. 18 month old, 24 hours a day. So yeah. There's that?
Quincy Amarikwa (03:14):
How are you guys doing today?
Quincy Amarikwa (03:25):
Let's see, Jordan said we need that.
Quincy Amarikwa (03:28):
Perfect soccer. Mom has a soccer tournament this week. Nice. I mean my perfect soccer moms. I'm like, I bought this.
Quincy Amarikwa (03:41):
Uh, but I mean, it is pretty nice. I like it. I wear it every day. So in California, the weather is so weird here though, because I'll have like full gear on for like 60 degree weather, which I know in some States is not very cool, but it's cold to me. And then like mid day, it's like 75
Quincy Amarikwa (04:01):
People are looking at me. Like, why do you have [inaudible]?
Quincy Amarikwa (04:06):
It's like, cause I didn't do my hair, but thanks. I'll tell your mom. I said, happy birthday.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:17):
She's 21. Right?
Quincy Amarikwa (04:24):
Let them have a debate on who should eat the peanut butter. Yeah. Debate would be pretty interesting. I'll have to sit them down in their own chairs and then put the peanut butter in the middle and say, all right, whoever wins gets the peanut butter jar. Yeah. They are in my head all day, every day. So for someone said they should have a debate. This is the conclusion that they came to was.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:58):
Quincy Amarikwa (05:02):
So, so they kind of figured it out. Um, now they're figured it out for about two seconds. Okay. Good job guys. Thank you. Okay, here, sit down at the table. You can sit here and eat your peanut butter. Hello to everyone that's just joining in. Hi, Morado Silva, Daniel Medina, Russ. This is weird. So for those of you who are just joining, I'm hopping on her perfect segment because Quincy is currently still in his car.
Quincy Amarikwa (05:52):
Quincy Amarikwa (05:54):
Yes, he does have your peanut butter. So I figured I'd hop on. Talk to you guys for a little bit, see how everybody was doing. It was 30 degrees. Wow. Uh, feeling below at my soccer practice last night. So I'd love some 60 degrees.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:12):
Quincy Amarikwa (06:14):
Yeah. That's what I'm like. I can't complain too much because 60 is probably hot where you're at. I football from Los Angeles, California. How's the weather down there. Yeah. I'm trying to think the coldest weather I've been in.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:44):
I'm not even sure.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:49):
I mean, do you see, I think is the coldest state I've ever lived in 77? Yeah. 79. Yeah. California. It's 80 degrees in LA right now. So it's crazy. Um, yeah, I don't do good in cold weather, you know, it's probably just a California thing. We you're very spoiled here. All right. I'm going to hop off. Hi. Hi Anders. I'm going to hop off. I was just, I've been told my wife is getting that half for Christmas. So I guess that was,
Quincy Amarikwa (07:37):
I guess
Quincy Amarikwa (07:38):
That's going to happen. Um, me neither. I hate the cold back out loud. You know, I like being cold to get warm, if that makes sense. So it's like, I don't like when it's cold outside, but I also like when it's cold outside, cause then I get to bundle
Quincy Amarikwa (07:57):
Up 43
Quincy Amarikwa (08:00):
In Philadelphia. Yeah, I know. I'm not trying to be in 43 degrees. Well, George, your wife is going to have some of the flies gear on the field. So what's up Paul? I stand this loss to 2020. What's going on? I was actually just going to hop up The pro get on, even though everyone knows
Quincy Amarikwa (08:34):
It's me
Quincy Amarikwa (08:36):
Serena takeover. So this is the second time I've taken over. Uh, Paul, just for, uh, uh, she's sitting next to you soon.
Quincy Amarikwa (08:46):
Quincy Amarikwa (08:49):
The first time was last week. So Quincy started his coaching course and because you know, the ASCA soccer pressure starts at six. I hop on here and do my little 15 minute perfect soccer mom gig where we see what's going on with the kids and in Serena's world. So this is what happened with the peanut butter.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:14):
Quincy Amarikwa (09:14):
And, and to be honest, that's how most, uh, negotiations go with sir. Uh, and Lord Lord ends up with whatever was being negotiated.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:25):
Two of
Quincy Amarikwa (09:25):
Them. You want some peanut butter. Okay. All right. So before, uh,
Quincy Amarikwa (09:31):
Before I get one baby
Quincy Amarikwa (09:34):
Covered in full peanut butter, uh, yeah, before I get peanut butter everywhere. And then I got clean peanut butter up out of the, the couch and floor. Um, did I play soccer growing up? No. So I actually have a terrible soccer story. Um, I tried out for soccer in middle school, so I did gymnastics for 13 years of my life. Um, and then after the real MSL behind them. So yeah. Yeah,
Quincy Amarikwa (10:01):
There we go. Um,
Quincy Amarikwa (10:07):
After gymnastics, my best friend played soccer, so I try out, try it out for soccer as well.
Quincy Amarikwa (10:14):
And you know,
Quincy Amarikwa (10:15):
The coach told me I was really fast, a quick learner and uh, the last day of tryout, she asked me if I had a pair of soccer cleats, quick Quincy, you joined.
Quincy Amarikwa (10:31):
Quincy Amarikwa (10:31):
Um, so the last day of trout, she asked me if I had a pair of soccer cleats and I said, no. And so, uh, the next day when the, uh, what is it called? Like the list, I guess when you make the team, I went to look to see if I made it because the entire week she was just telling me all these great things. And then I looked at the list and my name wasn't on it. So unfortunately didn't make the soccer team and that's where my soccer journey ended because I didn't have shoes. So, um, yeah, I'm guessing maybe, you know, I honestly, don't, that's kinda just like, I didn't bother asking any more questions. I then went and tried out, I believe for volleyballs during that time of the year. So I ended up playing volleyball, um, was really good at that fun fact is I was the, uh, middle blocker.
Quincy Amarikwa (11:25):
I played middle blocker in, uh, junior high and high school. And I actually had phenomenal stats. I'll have to go relook those back up, but I was probably one of the shortest people on the team. And if you don't know, middle blocker is like, it's the front row. Thank you for the peanut butter, sir. Um, I think I want to be peanut butter right now. Um, yeah, middle blocker is normally the tallest person on the team plays that position, but I was playing that position. So, uh, not to brag about my athleticism, but that's kind of where we're getting at here. Right? Yeah. So I, that's my soccer story. It's, it's a short one kind of sad, but I guess it's continuing now because now I get to put my kids in soccer and kind of see their evolution or experiences playing. I'll make sure to remind Serina to make sure to get it back on the store. Okay. Perfect. Soccer mom, hat isn't on the side. Ah, okay. Got it. Got it. Okay. Um, Quincy, you ready to join in or? Yeah, this is sorry. This is Quincy. What's up. Tony. Julian, you got something you want to say.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:05):
Do you want to use my phone? Peanut butter?
Quincy Amarikwa (13:17):
Yo you say yo, yo, what up everybody? What do you need? Who's calling. Okay. Well I'm not trying to end this one. Yeah.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:37):
And action. Okay. We're back. We're all good. Mom gear. Even me. What up everybody? Oh, man.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:55):
Light is not looking great. Yeah, no, not right now because I'm doing the show.
Quincy Amarikwa (14:06):
What up, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the hashtag ask a soccer pro show. Um, I got to hop in there a little bit. I got to hop in there a little bit for Serena's soccer story. Um, let me see pin comment. Thank you very much, Liverpool. Um, as well as, uh, I don't know. I think Serena probably gave everybody an update, um, on what's been going on, I'm taking my coaching license course because we do it online now and they happen to have our group calls, um, on Thursdays that run into our 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM, EST ASCA, a soccer pro show live show here on the perfect soccer account where we break down the M S L the mental strength of league. Cause you know,
Quincy Amarikwa (15:07):
Quincy Amarikwa (15:09):
I mean, your head what's up, everybody. Timmy pig said it's that time of the week. Drop them in your head. Emoji's what's happening in George drop the I'm in your head. Oh, emojis McNasty with the thumbs up. Uh, James what's going on? Uh, Julianne had asked, uh, are you looking into coaching youth? Um, I mean, it's kind of what I'm doing now. Right. But, but I, I get what you're asking me. Uh, I'm not necessarily getting my coaching license just for like youth coaching and stuff, but I'm not opposed to it. Um, I think we've talked about it in previous episodes and stuff. If I was going to coach, I prefer to coach at the professional level or at least like the college college level, if I was going to coach, um, I don't know if I'm going to do it or not, but I figured it makes sense to get my coaching license. So if I do make that decision, um, I have the credentials that I need to do. So, uh, but,
Quincy Amarikwa (16:16):
But we'll see, you guys know that it is MSL mentality. MSL mindset is stay ready, so you don't have to get ready proactive versus reactive. So just being proactive with it, this is the first time they've offered the coaching course. Um, online, uh, I think us soccer has made it extremely difficult for, for actively playing pros to get their license because they just, for some reason up until recently, they've never offered like the coaching courses in alignment with like, uh, the professional schedule. Uh, but it seems like that has changed, um, starting this year. So I jumped at the opportunity, but, uh, let me see. But yeah, it's been interesting. Um,
Quincy Amarikwa (17:08):
The approach in philosophy to us, soccer's coaching style, um, there are things that I like about it. Um, and then there are things that I think could use improvement, but I do think they're trending in the right direction and they're trying, I think they're trying their best. Just like everybody. I think everybody, I think everybody's trying their best. I think the issue is, uh, when you find out that your best wasn't good enough, um, or isn't good enough, but then that's when we go back to, uh, perfect cyber skills.com/sss, which is we, uh, self-reflect, you know, we maintain that self-awareness and we just, uh, capture the data from the experience we have and go back to the drawing board and come up with a better plan of action and try, try again. So making mistakes and not get it right, is all a part of the process.
Quincy Amarikwa (18:08):
Let's see. Uh, perfect soccer, Christmas gifts, guys preparing for that holiday season. Um, we've been, Oh, do you have one in here? Uh, we've been trying to get the, the merchant, the store back to an optimal level. And by that, I mean, just like way more merchant, way more gear. Serena's been going hammer time with a bunch of stuff. I think I just got, hold on. I'm going to go run and get the mini ball. So you guys have see him. Cause I told you last week, I'd show you the mini balls, a few moments later. All right. I'm going to wait on these things for time. I love these things. They're dope. The mini ball, all of a sudden, already started coloring on customizing his mini ball. No, if you guys can see it again, it trying to delve it in the mental strength league logo.
Quincy Amarikwa (19:06):
Quincy Amarikwa (19:10):
Let's see what we got here. You got the, uh, yeah, all the that'd be can see it. We got all the links and all the great stuff on there. The branding your soccer does. And I was talking to Serena. I like these a lot. I think these might be our specialty mini balls and just getting back to the P and perfect soccer, which is passion and fun. And I liked the mini ball idea because it can get it one. They're cute. They're super cute. Look at them. Okay. Keep that is, uh, but it's a super fun way to get people introduced to the game if they don't have any direct experience with the game. These are perfect. I think these are perfect gifts.
Quincy Amarikwa (19:53):
Quincy Amarikwa (19:56):
Yeah. I like these things a lot. Um, I think they're a great way to introduce anybody to the game, get some technical work and technical skills underneath your belt. And then I was also talking with Serena, cause I really liked these coming up with ideas with coming, like with a limited edition, uh, drops of the mini ball. So trying to make, maybe doing like collectors items where like we only make like 25 of each specialty, one, something like that. These ones, we got a lot in stock, which are dope. Cause I like them. And um, they're fun. But then, uh, we were just talking about maybe doing some like collectors ones. So I don't know what you guys think about them. Um, George said what's good about the mini ball versus the regular ball? Well, I, I liked the mini ball one because you can get additional touches.
Quincy Amarikwa (20:42):
It's easier to get additional touches like in the house. Like I, I, I, I bought 10 of them, so I had 10 of them shipped out to me and then I pump them up and then I throw them around the house. And then the boys, um, it's just fun. You see a ball, you kick it, you, you get some touches on the ball. Uh, I think having the ball around the house is just good. Um, get you familiar with it. It's fun. It's promoting fun and play and just enjoyment freestyling with it. So that's one thing, uh, on that, on that front, but the mini ball itself, it just forces you to have a higher level of concentration. It develops your touch a bit better and more, and, um, that translates into better, better, a better touch, better control of the ball once you, once you start playing with the larger bowl, as well as accuracy.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:30):
Um, I don't know if any of you guys, George, I know you were following me back in January when I was, when I was still in DC doing my off season training to prepare for the year, I was doing a lot of, um, technical work with the tennis ball. So if you guys were looking at my stuff, then you'd have seen me doing my shooting, my shooting, training, my shooting technique, work against the, you know, like the tennis ball wall out in silver spring. Maybe I'll repost some of that. Uh, you can probably go through my archives on my Instagram highlights maybe. And you could see a little bit of that, but just strike technique, repetition, uh, hitting the ball cleanly well and repeating, repeating that process over time. You guys know what it is. There's no major secrets here. It's just consistency and dedication. Um, let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (22:30):
Let's see. Let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (22:34):
It looks like a young Mr. T I don't know what you guys are talking about in there. Uh, uh, Timmy pig, 14 as a, what do you think about the uncertainty of USL signing renewals for players since the start of the season is still up in the air? What do you think about the uncertainty of USL signing renewals for players? The start of the season of the start of the season? So up in the air, I guess you're asking me.
Quincy Amarikwa (23:03):
Quincy Amarikwa (23:04):
Are you asking me should USL clubs, Reese resigned players with uncertainty of when next year would start? So if I could have a little bit more clarity on your question, so I know I'm answering your question correctly. Uh, uh, Caleb has his end of the season tournament this weekend, his first tournament, we will get a pick with the, I mean, you had loved that. Hey, looking forward to seeing that tag the account so we can reshare, uh, my, uh, uh, face to probably let you guys know. Uh, sir had soccer practice today. Um, and, uh, he's he started make the connection between like dribbling through the cones and getting touches and stuff. Uh, he looks like he enjoys scoring goals. So he was, he was spending a bunch of time scoring goals and doing his own jump celebration and high five celebration. I think that the next, the next step is, uh, uh, taking his I'm in I'm in your head celebration to the next level. Uh, James said, I need help. Well, what do you need help with my friend drop your question and we can get it answered. Um, Joe Jackson said self honesty, self initiative, self accountability, count ability, loads. Get it. That's right. That's right. Uh, Eli dot G I S H said, these are where you said those are. See, I think he's talking about the mini walls and what's cool is the they're hand stitched mini balls.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:39):
I like them. They're dope. Like I told you guys, I've been trying to get back to the passion of the game, the fun of the game, and, uh, all the reasons why you fall in love with the game in the first place in play. I know we talk a lot about the MSL here in the lessons learned from an over 12 year professional soccer career. And, you know, the pro level is difficult. It's hard. That's what it's supposed to be. Not everything is easy. There's a lot of downs for all the ups. There's a lot more downs and difficulty and hardships. And we always talk, we always come with the real and, uh, share with you the most accurate information I have available based on my personal experience, but having said that it doesn't mean that we can't have fun and that's not why we got involved in the game.
Quincy Amarikwa (25:21):
So, um, yeah, I like the mini ball, cause even a reminder of that, Hey, have fun. Enjoy the game. That's why you started playing in the first place. And you know, pro can be a goal. And, you know, I hope many, many of the followers of this account, the followers of our, of our books and training center and resources and all that who have aspirations of going pro. Um, I hope our information in our platform helps you along that journey. Um, but don't forget to enjoy yourself and have fun. Um, Tammy said love that, uh, idea.
Quincy Amarikwa (26:04):
Um, uh, David said I would totally buy a special edition one. I already have three in my house. Nice Davis. What have you liked about it? Uh, what made you, what made you grow? Uh, what made you grab three? What made you purchase three? Uh, let's see, uh, George said, yeah, I remember that on the tennis court. Yeah. So like, I like that and it's, it's beneficial when I think it was really good in terms of developing, uh, that strike technique and the, um, the rhythm, the rhythm. I was a little disappointed with quarantine. I was fit, man. I was fit this off season and I was dialed in and I was ready to, I learned a lot from my time in DC. Obviously I've learned a lot over the course of my career. I've learned a lot during my time in DC and I really got dialed in on kind of everything, you know, like that aha moment with everything clicks.
Quincy Amarikwa (27:01):
That's where I was feeling this, this preseason. And, uh, you know, unfortunately during that time, uh, the pandemic hit and quarantine happened, but adapt or die. We adapted, we made a lot of progress. I've been loving seeing the commitment of the community and everybody here and the dedication to just man. Yeah, just the dedication. It has not been an easy time for everybody. You know, it's been in certain times, but I think we've, we've found, uh, we found some certainty in it and definitely been, uh, holding ourselves accountable to the goals that we're saying we want to achieve. And looking at this as a blessing, which is, which is awesome. Um, let's see, uh, Christian dot V said, I have your perfect soccer ball. It is good quality. Thank you very much. I think Christian was talking about the match ball. So these are the, the mini balls.
Quincy Amarikwa (27:57):
The match balls are the full-size five balls, hand stitched, um, hand stitched, leather, uh, our most recent updated version, uh, of the ball and with your guys's feedback and your using of the balls we make, we continually make upgrades and improvements to it. So, um, yeah. Uh, the best thing that you guys can do beyond purchasing, um, your equipment and your apparel and your gear through perfect soccer skills.com, which we love the support when you guys place your orders, uh, is using and, uh, is using the equipment, the gear and the, and uh, all of our stuff and letting us know if it's great or if it's terrible or how we can improve. Um, yeah. And especially when you guys tag yourself, rocking this stuff and, and, and, uh, yeah, letting everybody see it, cause we love resharing it and posting it. Speaking of which, um, I like, I like you guys know I was focused on my, I was focused on my coaching course.
Quincy Amarikwa (29:09):
I was going to download in Punta arenas phone right now. I was going to download it and put the, uh, the most recent, uh, posts that, uh, some, some, some kids who, who I forgot. What's the name of the account? They've got a funny soccer account. Did some really, uh, fun, um, skits in there. Perfect soccer, MSL gear using some perfect soccer balls and equipment. And I wanted to shout them out, but I, uh, I think I shared it on my, I shared it on my Instagram account. I think they posted like yesterday, the day before, but I didn't download.
Quincy Amarikwa (29:49):
Um, let me see. Okay.
Quincy Amarikwa (29:55):
Eli asked if you could join in, on the live. Yeah. Eli, if you give a call, we could, we can, we can talk for, let's say four or five minutes and, uh, answer your questions. Uh, Tammy said to pig said yes, I've seen. Okay. So this is clarity on the question from earlier. Yes. I've seen that clubs are reluctant to sign renewals since COVID is complicating the season. Should clubs go ahead and resign or should they wait? Who that is? A, that is a heavy question.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:27):
Quincy Amarikwa (30:29):
If you've got, if you've got a player under contract for next year, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have a choice unless you have a certain it's called a force majeure clause, which I don't believe any organizations had previous to this, um, within their contracts, um, uh, would not be surprised if that is a standard term or line item in contracts here moving forward, uh, for obvious reasons. But I think first and foremost, um, no, they should honor the contracts and what they would they agree to. Um, I think what's also difficult with that in place is I know, you know, a lot of clubs are gonna be struggling financially and if they are honoring contracts, they might not be financially solvent to do so. So I think it's a fine balance for multiple reasons. One, I think it's a fine balance because, um, this is a time where clubs can take advantage of the pandemic to, to use that as the reason why they're getting out of things that they committed to, uh, just because they can.
Quincy Amarikwa (31:32):
And if that is the case, I, I strongly believe that that's not the approach that they should take with it. And, um, I think that that is, that's just, that's, that's not the way to go about doing it. And if you choose to do that, I think he comes back to you negatively in some way, maybe not right now, but it definitely in the future, um, on the side of organizations that are doing whatever and everything they can to remain committed to the, to what they promised considering they did those under different circumstances. I think perfect soccer's is a perfect example of that, right? Like trying to maintain, um, an organization and making payroll and paying everybody when everybody's struggling. And it's really difficult and money is hard to come by. Um, it's tough.
Quincy Amarikwa (32:20):
So it's, it's
Quincy Amarikwa (32:24):
Hearing that side as well to you and being open with people and letting them know like, Hey, you know, if people don't buy stuff, then you don't have money. If you don't have money, you can't pay people. If you can't pay people, they don't can work. If they're not working, then what are they doing? They're looking for work, you know, and it turns into it's a, it's a vicious cycle. And I think it's one that we're all experiencing together. So, um, trying to trying your best to understand it from both sides, but also not allowing that to be the reason why people take advantage of you. So I think that's what we're talking about here. Um, should, should clubs go ahead and resign or should they wait? I think those who resign and those who commit to individuals during uncertain times like this, they reap the largest rewards for doing so in the long run.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:09):
I think, you know, when it's like, when, when people are, you'll be greedy, when people are fearful, be fearful when people are greedy, I think this is a time where people are very fearful, so it's to be greedy and by greedy, I mean being very, um, very open with your time open with your resources, especially if you have access to them at this point in time. Cause it goes a long way with people, especially where the difficult times that a lot of people are going through. And I think a big issue and problem in the professional sports world is it's so con competition driven that sometimes to the point that I was expressing, people will take advantage of this to take advantage of players and take advantage of people. Um, and, um, I'm not saying not to improve or to win or to be competitive.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:59):
I'm not saying that that's not the case. Um, do that, but also understand that winning, winning isn't everything sort of to say, even you hear me say it, but by winning isn't everything, I think of the game like monopoly, there's a T there's a point in time in the game of monopoly where the person who has like boardwalk and park place and boardwalk and all the railroads and extra houses on it, they like, they're always going to win. They're always gonna have the most money they're going to have all the, the, the most stuff. And everybody kind of knows that, uh, the problem becomes, yeah, the problem with monopoly is if it gets to a point where the person who's rolling the dice, no matter what they land on, they lose no matter what, they can't even get around and go to collect their $200 there.
Quincy Amarikwa (35:00):
When, when, when you're, when you're in really good position and you're winning and you're just winning just to win. And that's the only focus you're not thinking about anybody else will eventually the people who no matter what are always losing, they don't want to play that game anymore. And then gonna flip over your table, your game of monopoly. So it's like always remember that, you know what I mean? We're in it together. And everyone has to feel as though they're valued and everyone doesn't have to make the same. Everyone doesn't have to do the same stuff that everyone doesn't have to, you know, everyone doesn't work the same amount and same level and all that, but everyone needs to have the opportunity to have a chance. And, uh,
Quincy Amarikwa (35:40):
I think that's, what's most important during these uncertain times. And yeah, that's clear kind of where, because Timmy, you asked a big one with that one, that's a camp that is a can of worms. Um, a soccer dad said, do you hand deliver many balls? I mean, if, if you're, if you're paying a high enough fee for hand delivery, I will happily hand deliver many balls. I don't know if you're willing to pay to make that happen. But, um, no, I won't say no. Uh, just send the proposal. Uh, DC United is hiring for new coach. You might be getting your coaching cert certification right in time. Hey, that would be a very wise coaching hire decision. Uh, I spent a lot of time there and talked with a lot of people and understand that organization to a very deep level, um, coach not couch you. Right. Okay. So let's see what we got here. He's calling in,
Quincy Amarikwa (36:49):
I got no money left after soccer IOU w okay. What would you owe me? How many, how many hundreds hours of work? Cause then I'd have to put up the money to do that. What's going on, brother? How you doing? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. You want to, you want to let us know your name and where you're calling from? So my name is Eli I'm currently I'm from North Washington. Um, so talk like kind of like the MSL. Um, so usually I can't find the lives cause I work on colleges. Yup. Yeah. So now we're in today. I got, or I called him, like I was on the last once again talking about like how it has like college options. And then one of them got like closed. So then I got a no from them, which was good. And so now I've narrowed it down to what was that job from? And I'm like, I'm just being the two of them, but like the MSL mentality, it's like call it whatever. But like, it's revealed, you gotta, you gotta be like, I've noticed like cracks. And like, it's just like, which like, even when, even when your teams like little things and then you notice them, you see like where you can, you can get in people's skin.
Quincy Amarikwa (38:23):
And so, um, progress improvements is definitely progress. Love. I love that.
Quincy Amarikwa (38:36):
And I don't know if you, uh, I don't know if you, your internet, everybody. Can you hear Eli? All right. How's catching us, catching what you're putting down, but I don't know if your, uh, if your services is, if everybody's hearing you. Um, okay. So no, that's good to hear so slow and steady wins the race you're being consistent. You're seeing, you're seeing improvements and you're seeing how you've kind of taken the next step kind of up-leveled to the people around you, right? Yeah. Okay. So what do you feel has been the greatest contributing factor to making that happen?
Quincy Amarikwa (39:16):
I think it's probably just the mentality that I want to, I want to get better. I want to improve. So I on like little things that are going to help me get, like, whether it's like moving certain, certain spots for that I want to work on and doing that.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:37):
Nice. Okay. And what, what made, what drew you to the perfect soccer account? Kind of the MSL mentality? Like what, what how'd you get introduced to it? What, what, what got you, what got you hooked?
Quincy Amarikwa (39:47):
I think it was us praying and I was looking at odd casts that were like more benefits and more like, so I found yours with name and started getting value out of it. And so that was really cool. It's been really
Quincy Amarikwa (40:08):
Dope, man. No, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Thanks for putting in the work and looking for it and, and thanks for, you know, let me know is actually working. Yeah. That's dope, man. So do you got any specific questions for me or anything I can help with? Yeah.
Quincy Amarikwa (40:23):
Yeah. So now I've, I've pretty much narrowed it down to college. I have one which is, which is close to where I stay at home, save quite a bit of money. And then there's also in California in AIA and four years. So I'm kind of like options of what I, what I think better.
Quincy Amarikwa (40:51):
Okay. And where, where are you? Where are you stuck? What, what are you leaning more one way or another or
Quincy Amarikwa (40:58):
Like, w I mean, it's like, it's, it's different each day. Our, as both have both good options, there's so many that go with it.
Quincy Amarikwa (41:14):
Okay. So I understand where you're at. So this is what I've done. And I won't say like, it's the best way or the only way, or, you know what I mean? Everyone's different, but I would sit down and I would think about myself 10 years from now. And I'd say, okay, 10 I'm, 10 years. It's me, 10 years from now. Am I disappointed in not choosing the other option?
Quincy Amarikwa (41:48):
You following me? Yeah. Okay. So I'm saying, am I disappointed? So you, you now in your mind, you choose one today. So it doesn't really matter. You just pick one, then you put yourself 10 years from now, knowing what you know today. Do I regret not trying the other one? Hmm. That's a good way to think about it, because for me, when I'm thinking about it, I just am going, look, you only have access to so much information, just like what's in front of you right now. And you can't predict the future. You know what I mean? You really can't. The only thing you can do is make your decision and, and trust in your decision and trust in your ability to figure it out and make the best of the situation. Right? Yeah. So if you know that and you know, you're willing, you're going to, you're going to give a hundred percent, no matter if you're here in your local home or you're over in California.
Quincy Amarikwa (42:42):
Right. You know that, you know, all these things, what you don't know is what will happen or if it's the best opportunity or, or what you don't know. That's what you don't know. Okay. You know that you're going to be 10 years older today, or are you going to be 10 years older, 10 years from now than you are today, or you're going to be dead. Right. Okay. Just breaking down this. I think that you're going to be alive in 10 years old are going to be dead. Okay. So if we can't, we don't know what we're going to think. When we're 10 years from now, we don't know for, we don't really know, but we say, okay, if I'm pretending to be myself 10 years from now, and I'm thinking to this moment right now, do I have any regrets with that decision? And from there, that'll let you know. And this is what I've seen as kind of like my guiding compass, right. That lets me know what I actually really want.
Quincy Amarikwa (43:28):
Because even if it's just 1% more one than the other, well, then I go with that because I'm saying like, well, I won't regret. Even if I pick going to California and it's a horrible experience, I hate everything. I lose all my options. Everything is terrible. I tried my hardest and everything didn't pan out. And then 10 years from now, I will look back and be like, I'm glad I went there because I learned, I learned that I wasn't good enough, or I was good enough or this didn't work out. Right. Right. So it's like, it's lessons learned. So I think that's the most important. I think that's, what's most difficult for the youth, especially with the technology and how fast, everything changes. And now the uncertainty of like quarantine and pandemic and all that. You know what I'm saying? Like the younger generation has to learn how to navigate having no real certainty of your future. Um, but that is the experience of a professional athlete. Yeah. So like, you're getting, you're getting it now, even though you're not a professional. Yeah. So, sorry. Hopefully that's helpful. Yeah. Thank you for having me.
Quincy Amarikwa (44:35):
Quincy Amarikwa (44:40):
All right. So yes. Okay. All right, brother later.
Quincy Amarikwa (44:46):
No, that was a, no, that was a great question. And thanks for calling anyway. I'm glad to hear the MSL mentality has been helpful for you and you were seeing some positive results from it. Um, yeah. George, I could tell, I think the, his, his, uh, internet wasn't the best, but I was reading his lips. So hopefully you guys were able to do that as well, too. Uh, love ginger said good advice. Thank you very much. Um, hopefully, you know, hopefully that helps, uh, like, like I tell you guys, it's not everything, I don't know everything and I'm not right about all of it. I can just let you know, the, the tactics and strategies and the thought processes that I've, you know, come to you or developed over time to navigate through difficult times and uncertainty. So like the whole pandemic and the uncertainty, even kind of what I was talking with Eli, there is very similar to the experience of a professional athlete.
Quincy Amarikwa (45:42):
Like if you wanted to know what it's like to be a professional athlete and really like, understand what it feels like, I would say the pandemic is a group is as close to what that experience is like. Um, as you could possibly get, to be honest, it's just uncertainty. You don't know, you never know. You just, you never know, but you always have to be ready and prepared and optimally operating at a high level so that if, and when your chance comes, you are prepared and ready to go. So we're built for this, everybody, uh, Timmy pig 14 said, I appreciate you tackling that question. I know it was a big one. And you did well with looking at it from more than one point of view. Well, thank you very much. You guys are coming with the, with the heavy questions though. Like what made you w okay, so Timmy, if you're still in the, what made you come to that question? Like, what have you been seeing, that's making you wonder or ask a question like that. I was interested to hear what you guys are thinking. Like how, what are things that you're seeing that are making you come to different types of questions and stuff?
Quincy Amarikwa (46:49):
Quincy Amarikwa (46:51):
Uh, Joe Jackson said, I loved the pandemic. Uncertainty was actually the most motivated. I've been in recent years. That is a very positive way of looking at it. Right? Like it's opportunity of time, like, Yeah. The amount of time, you've the amount of time that humanity has had to collectively like invest in personal development and learning more for themselves and like improving and stuff. That's unprecedented. Let's see what we got here.
Quincy Amarikwa (47:22):
Quincy Amarikwa (47:26):
Yeah. K 23 said happy. See more. Call-in hello? Hello. What's this
Quincy Amarikwa (47:38):
What's going on, brother. Can you let me know your name? How old you are, where are you calling from? Sorry, uh, Bob last month. Uh we've you had with that? Uh, sorry, brother. Uh, yeah. Uh, yeah. So, uh, you guys, you guys heard, he saw the extent of my, my Spanish speaking, uh, abilities. Um, yeah. Katie, glad to see more calling time as well to you I'll I'll need to dramatically brush up on my, uh, Spanish, but, uh, yeah, we got five more minutes here before, uh, will, the live is complete today's episode. Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm seeing your, your thing saying it came, came in broken, um, difficult to hear him. Hopefully the replay is a little
Quincy Amarikwa (48:48):
Call came through.
Quincy Amarikwa (48:51):
Hopefully the replay is a little bit cleaner and, um, you guys will be able to hear that a little bit more, the amazing Spanish Latin,
Quincy Amarikwa (49:06):
Sorry. Um, let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:12):
So I'm on Serenas
Quincy Amarikwa (49:16):
Let me see.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:19):
Serena's mom was calling cause the monster, his phone. So we've got to wrap it up here. Uh, so I can get her, her phone back. Okay. K 23 said I got lots of teammates from Latin America countries. So I'm starting to pick up on some Spanish. That's nice Rahim. What's going on. Have you see you stopped by before the show completed? Um,
Quincy Amarikwa (49:45):
Quincy Amarikwa (49:52):
Yeah. So I got, we'll say like two more minutes here and we'll actually probably need to wrap it up because like I said, I'm mustering his filling and her mom called twice. And I don't know if it's an emergency, so because of that, I will wrap it up so I can make sure I can get Serina over her phone. I appreciate her calling, uh, getting the show started so we can get started on time and give you guys an update on, uh, what the delay was on my end. Uh, I appreciate everybody joining in on today's episode. Um, I hope you got some value from it as, um, I'm loving the questions that are coming in. Maybe we'll do a couple more call-ins from everybody here moving forward. Uh, if you guys want to drop some comments on, on some potential guests, you'd like, I'd like to bring a, another guest or two on and break down their mentality.
Quincy Amarikwa (50:39):
Talk about that as well, too. So if you guys got some ideas for some guests, please let me know. But as always, I appreciate all the support from everybody. And, uh, you guys all practicing what we preach over here. Um, if you haven't already make sure you head over to perfect soccer skills.com/sss check out the three S's of self-awareness talk, create yourself a perfect soccer team. Membership account links would be in the description of that video as well. And, uh, yeah, thanks to everybody for joining in. I'll see everybody next week. And as always, I mean, you had later everybody.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:15):