How Long Do You Need To Work Before You Become Noticed?

The #AskASocerPro show is a Live video podcast where 11 year MLS vet and Mental Strength Coach Quincy Amarikwa dives into the mentalities of highly successful individuals both on and off the pitch. In this weeks episode Quincy Amarikwa discussed about How to improve your game, How to go D1, Technical skill vs athletic ability in soccer,  and more.

Time Stamps

0:00-8:37 Welcome to the #AASP Show episode 96!

9:13-11:10 What did Quincy like about his time at DC?

11:14-15:49 What are some things Quincy believes that most people don’t?

15:51-17:23 What is Quincy’s favorite memory from college? @lukapodnar._

17:37-19:45 How was Quincy’s highschool career? @therealeldin

22:11-23:17 What music does Quincy listen to before a game @soccer_dad_4life

24:50-26:30 Using self honesty to realize what you could have done better. @joe.jackson11

26:31-39:44 How long do you need to work before you become noticed? @_k.23.hampton_

40:26-41:32 What is the biggest difference between MLS and USL @trevorwillis_

44:03-45:05 What should my mindset be when going into ID camps? @ffaizy10

49:42-51:47 Does Quincy agree that most successful people are obsessed @john_hollinger27

51:47-54:26 Thank you for tuning into the #AASP episode 96!

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*Transcript is unedited and machine-generated. There will be errors. For further clarity please refer to the audio or video.

Quincy Amarikwa (00:00):

We're all here to ride the MSL waves. You've mentioned the strength lead. I'd like to welcome you to another episode of the hashtag ask eight soccer pro Oh yeah. Jordan. What's going on? Connor Johnson in the tracks I need, Oh, I need racks. Can you be the wave what's going on? Uh, H M I D a D I D O. You joined in Vasco keeper. What's up Jack. Welcome. Welcome. Hey, Gabrielle. Uh, what's going on? Oh, L E D G R Y M a Y L O. Joined in Joe Jackson. Hey, what's going on? Uh, um, what is up, everybody? What's going on? I see, do get it image for today. How's everybody doing? How is everybody doing? Liverpool fan page drop the I'm in your head. Emoji. Love that.

Quincy Amarikwa (01:00):


Quincy Amarikwa (01:02):

It racks. What team are you currently playing for? I'm with, uh, Las Vegas, Las Vegas lights. Um, before that I was with DC United, before that I was with Montreal impact before that San Jose earthquakes and then a few other teams as well. Uh, let's see what we got here. Thank you very much, Joe. Penn comment. Uh, Shannon. Welcome. What's going on? Good to see you. Uh, live said, Joe, beat me to it this time. Quick, quick with the link. Yo, what's going on, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the hashtag ask a soccer pro show episo. I really should be doing this and checking that before the episode starts all. Let's see what's going on. So I know for sure what episode number we are, but I don't think I actually have it correct, but we'll see in just a minute to double check for sure. Episode 97. Hey, are we able to send 97? Let me double-check.

Quincy Amarikwa (02:10):

So 96, I know, episode 96 or 97 as you guys may or may not know. Uh, we have fallen a little bit behind on the posting of all of the assets, soccer, pressure, replays, um, uh, perfect soccer team member, Katie, um, who has been with us for over two years, I think has been almost like two and a half years now. She got a, another job in the real estate industry. We're very happy for her. And, um, you know, especially during these times, everyone is, it is not easy to find a job and to make some money during these times. So, um, we're really happy that she, uh, sorry, I just saw another message come in. Uh, we're happy that she was able to, or she something that she really was wanting to jump into, which unfortunately meant we had to find. We have to, and someone to help, uh, pick up for the things that she was doing.

Quincy Amarikwa (03:09):

I think we may have found someone to help, uh, get all that together, but there is a training process and stuff that that takes time to do. So I apologize for the delay in getting our, our replays up, um, as quickly as we typically do, but Hey, you, uh, you live and you learn, you guys know what it is. The MSL mentality is no excuses. We figured out we take responsibility. We fell behind, but we are doing the work we need to, to make up for it. So, uh, for those of you who may be tuning in for the first time, welcome to the hashtag S soccer show, I am your host 12 year professional soccer player, Quincy wall. Um, I currently play for Las Vegas lights. Um, I spent the last 11 years in MLS this last year, I was in the USL. And on this show, we talk about the M S L, which is the mental strength league.

Quincy Amarikwa (04:03):

It is a game where you were an active participant or you were steady getting played 40 chess out here. And yeah, we, uh, talk about the AmeriCorps process. The three S's of self-awareness perfect cyber You see there on the screen there, right, right there at the bottom, uh, that is the foundation of this mentality and mindset that you need to accomplish your goals. Every Thursday, 6:00 PM PST 9:00 PM EST myself, as well as the perfect soccer MSL army comes together and community to, uh, discuss ideas, philosophies, uh, share our experiences and just learn, learn together and ride the MSLs. So if this is your first time joining in, welcome, if this is your first time listening replay has the sweet sound of my voice in your ear right now. I hope it's calming, inspiring, uplifting, challenging, and if not, then why not send us, so send us an email and let us know why not so we can get better. Cause that's what we do. Uh, what's going on, John. Welcome. Welcome. Uh, thanks for the follower. I wasn't expecting that. Well, thanks for the commitment. And you caught me, you caught me at the right time.

Quincy Amarikwa (05:26):

So I appreciate that Joe Jackson dropped an item in your head. Emojis. What up, what up, what up, uh, for those of you who you might not know how it works here, any and all questions are fair game. It doesn't mean I'm going to answer any and everything, but for the most part, every single question that's ever been asked has been answered on this show. So, uh, drop your questions in the chat box. If you've got them, drop them in the community, chat, engage with each other as, as you normally usually do love seeing you guys spamming that heart button and I'll know when Serena put the monkeys up on the wall, but uh, there's monkeys on the wall. So that's new. Huh? Um, yeah. So drop your comments or questions in if you've got them. Um, and, uh, while I'm waiting on some of those to come in, maybe I could give a few, uh, what can I give you guys some updates on?

Quincy Amarikwa (06:18):

Yeah. Uh, he is not in the man. Well, I guess there's just been a lot of great conversations I'm having behind the scenes. Everybody you guys know, uh, you know, I work as the director of strategic partnerships for BPC has black players for change. Um, and uh, in, in, in that part of my life, um, I've been spending a lot of time having conversations with, um, a lot of great organizations. One of them being, um, us soccer foundation and, um, uh, figuring out what ways to maximize the 12 mini pitch, uh, initiative that we had announced. Maybe it was a month and a half ago now, two months ago. Um, there's been a lot of great momentum behind that and other partners who are, who are very much adamant and interested in getting involved. So we're talking through that, uh, as well as some, uh, some additional partnerships that I'll be happy to, and hopefully we'll be able to announce here soon.

Quincy Amarikwa (07:18):

So there's been a lot of great work going on with, uh, with BPC and the guys have been just and putting in the hours, which is, which is cool. Um, you know, who it's been the result of a lot of, a lot of time, effort and energy, but I think, I think a lot of great has come from it and a lot more is, is, um, is on the horizon. So if any of you guys have been paying attention to that, I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback on that. Uh, things you've liked things you haven't liked. Uh, so we can, we can improve, sorry, we've got a couple of questions coming in and like I said, keep, keep dropping them in there in the chat box and I'll, and I'll make my way through, uh, Joe dot Jackson, 11 asked, um, Oh, said MSL mentality, adapter, die, self honesty, self initiative, self accountability, always striving to get better.

Quincy Amarikwa (08:14):

He's he's just dropping some facts and knowledge on your face. Not necessarily a question right now. Um, but yes, the three S's of self-awareness, um, is the key. Those are the pillars, that's the foundation and of the mentality and, uh, it's dope to see you guys, um, and that on adopting that and sharing that and implementing it. So, um, uh, while I'm looking at some other questions coming in, um, the experience that they've had as a result of, of, uh, of, of the, uh, of the three S's of self-awareness and, you know, my poor connection, uh, what I was saying was there are definitely some things that you, uh, organizations and there's definitely some things that you are not particularly happy with. Um, but I, I enjoyed, um, I really enjoyed, I enjoyed the family side of my DC United experience. So because of East United, we were living in, uh, we were living house that we rented that was, um, across the street from a soccer field.

Quincy Amarikwa (09:26):

It was down the street from a park, um, right next to a trail and a stream and a river. And I would spend a lot of time there with my boys and my wife, and we'd walk the trail a lot and, and I, and then we'd go to hibachi probably more than we should have just because I really like hibachi. And, um, yeah, I enjoyed, I enjoyed that part of my time in DC a lot. Um, and then I think, uh, in the locker room, I missed like, uh, my time with my teammates in terms of like, uh, the conversations I'd have with, uh, with Wayne, the conversations I'd have at length with Earl and, um, and, uh, and Chris, um, as well as with the younger guys, you know, Kevin, when he would make his way around Griffin, um, Don, uh, yeah, so, so those are the things that I'd miss about it. Um, training, uh, I really enjoy training. I just like training. I like competition and competing and, um, weirdly I probably enjoy training and have more fun at training than I do in games. Um, cause I just liked the competition and just pushing myself to be better pushing my teammates to be better and trying to beat them every day and them trying to beat me and making fun of each other and stuff. So, um, yeah. Yeah. I missed that. Those are good times. Um, but then they also come with a lot of not good types.

Quincy Amarikwa (11:04):


Quincy Amarikwa (11:06):

There's definitely stuff about it, that experience that I, I don't miss. Um, but those are the things I do miss, uh, John, John, uh, J O H N underscore H O L L I N G R 27. You know, I guess I say you guys named, so, uh, our post editor, uh, can hear it and right out the, uh, at handle. So we make sure we tag you guys when we make the clips, um, had asked what is something you believe to be true that most people don't. I liked that John's meant John must've been listening to some perfect soccer podcast episodes with the, with the Quincy questions.

Quincy Amarikwa (11:44):

Hmm. Okay. Let me see.

Quincy Amarikwa (11:50):

What is something you believe to believe to be true that most don't? Well, I don't know if it's true, so maybe I'll give you a couple. So, uh, relative to this year, I don't think most people believe that 2020 was the year about vision was about the 20, 20 vision and about living rent free and everyone's minds living rent free and changing the culture. I don't think everyone was, uh, believe in that, but I think most of you who've been riding at MSL wave, been applying them three S's of self-awareness. No, that, that ain't true. So I, I still think that that's something that I believe is true that most people don't, what's another thing that I think I believe is true. I believe, uh, I believe we're all playing a game of 4d chess, and you're either an active participant or you steady getting played. I believe that. Um, but I'll let you guys know that every, every Thursday, 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM EST. Um, I believe that doing simple things, doing simple things consistently over a long period of time is extremely hard to do. And I think most people think it's easy. Um, and I think they think it's easy because

Quincy Amarikwa (13:15):

Cause doing something once, twice, three times is easy. Like clicking this that's easy, everyone, everyone could almost, everyone can do this. I won't say everyone can do this, but let's say a large population of people can, can do this. They could click this. So people make the mistake of thinking that just because you can do this and someone else can do it. That that means that it's easy and that anyone can do it. And, and, and yeah, but success is being able to do something as simple as this

Quincy Amarikwa (13:47):


Quincy Amarikwa (13:52):

Over a long duration of time, longer than anyone else can do it for. So perfect example, like if you were someone who started a, a Twitch live stream and I don't know if they can live stream forever, but like if all you did was just,

Quincy Amarikwa (14:11):

You just went on your livestream every day for like 12 hours a day and you just did this. I bet you, if you did that every day for like three years straight, you'd become famous for doing that. And you'd probably make a lot of money from doing it. Now. I'm not saying you should do that. I'm not saying that that's a great idea, but it, it, it, uh, highlights the concept of most people say like, Oh, people can get famous for doing anything today. Yes, it's true. But success leaves clues success is a pattern it's consistency over a long duration of time. Um, what is it? Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Um, but yeah, so I, I know went on, I, I use a couple of different examples, a couple of different frameworks for that, but really breaking it down. So people are understanding that most people don't believe that to be true.

Quincy Amarikwa (15:03):

And the more that people don't believe something to be true, the, uh, the more opportunity there is in space for someone to think outside the box or think differently and come up with a solution to, uh, to a problem that maybe many people didn't know they had, or they didn't know that there could be a solution to you or that you are the solution, but that's why, that's why we focus on mentality, the MSL, because everything you've seen in the world every single day you've interacted with, um, yeah. Started in someone's mind. So love that, John. Good question. Um, uh, Luca, L U K a P O D N a R dot underscore. Um, I had asked, what is your favorite memory while playing in college? Um, I'd say my favorite, my favorite aunt or my favorite memory. My favorite on-field memory in college was the, uh, bicycle kid goal.

Quincy Amarikwa (16:09):

I scored at UC Santa Barbara. I don't know if that was my senior year and my junior year. I think it was gold a year. I think the only time I, one goal of the year Shipt anyone goal the chip to anyone go a week, we need to revoke recount. Uh, yeah, that'd be my favorite on-field moment. Favorite memory, what playing. Cause that'd be my favorite memory. My least favorite memory was my last game of my college career. We were in Michigan. I don't know if we played Michigan state or Michigan. That was the first time I ever played in snow and are we're all Cali boys. And we were playing stuff for the first time, which is a completely unfair advantage. It's ridiculous. Playing in snow is ridiculous. Like I was in shock. I was in Chicago, played in snow, but also Colorado played in the snow. It's doesn't make any sense, but it is what it is. Uh, but that was my first time playing in snow. And that was my least favorite memory, uh, because like, you couldn't feel your feet at all. And that was just not pleasant. And that was the last game and we lost in my career was over. So, uh, that was so I'd say that's my favorite memory, my least favorite memory.

Quincy Amarikwa (17:25):

Um, I mean, is there any specific off-field college memory? Well, that's a good, I gave you two, um, T H E R E L E L D I N. Asks, how was your high school career? Um, I guess I'll set a little context for how, cause it's kind of broad, I'd say, um, performance wise. I've I feel I did well. Um, my Rick not Ricky, my freshman year. I tried out obviously for the soccer team. Um, I didn't make varsity. I played on JV. I had somewhere in the realm, like 23 to 26 goals, some, something like that. And then my sophomore year I had made varsity, but I didn't play at all. So, uh, uh, I don't even know how many goals or if I scored any goals. I think most of my time was on the bench during that time. Um, and then my junior year I made varsity and I think I had like, I think 20, 24 goals, something like that, 26 schools,

Quincy Amarikwa (18:38):

Like 14

Quincy Amarikwa (18:39):

Assists or something like that. And then senior year somewhere similar. Um, I don't really know, uh, the specific numbers, but I think statistically I think a pretty good, uh, high school career, but I also, and I've taught, I've told this story a lot. I didn't, um, I didn't really have any, I didn't have any college recruitment offers. I wasn't thinking that I was good enough to play in college. Um, cause I didn't understand how the whole process worked. Luckily I ended up making it far enough in the last tournament of our last game of my club career, where I got recruited. And that's why we ended up making the book, the perf uh, the ultimate college soccer recruiting blueprint. If you guys haven't read that and you want to know how to get recruited to the college program, you have your choice, um, how to navigate their process and all that. Make sure you go to perfect soccer account perfect soccer accounts. I create your free membership and you can download that book as well as our other others for free. Um, but yeah, that's how my college career or sorry. That's how my high school career was as answered for college before that.

Quincy Amarikwa (19:48):

Yeah. Learn a lot of lessons in high school. I think that helped me a lot in college and then learned a lot, a lot in college that helped me in pro and then a lot in pro that has helped me in business and

Quincy Amarikwa (20:02):


Quincy Amarikwa (20:05):

MSL mentality. K 23 Hampton joined in Ismail 46, 73. Jared soccer. What's up? Um, yes. K 23. It has been a bit. How have you been man? Um, Liverpool fan page set 'em in their head and drop the, I mean you had emoji, you know it, uh, five H a U R Y a said you are a legend. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I'm going to let that go to my head. So I think that's something we can all do a better job of taking them compliments and enjoying them basking in the compliments. It's been a little bit more, more time. They're comfortable get comfortable with receiving compliments. Yes, I love it. No, thank you. Um, refer R a F a R Z a T E 35 set. I'm actually grinding right now. What are you grinding in or on a soccer dad for life said? I think you just hypnotize me. You're in my head. Hey, that's what it's all about. As long as we're dropping in that, those knowledge bombs, those gems of wisdom a or I don't know if, I don't know if he could put a chair

Quincy Amarikwa (21:27):

Love wisdom. [inaudible]

Quincy Amarikwa (21:37):

The gem of wisdom brought to you by America, imperfect soccer. Uh,

Quincy Amarikwa (21:46):


Quincy Amarikwa (21:47):

Let's see, Joe Jackson. Chip's always on

Quincy Amarikwa (21:51):

Baby. Yes.

Quincy Amarikwa (21:53):

Rule number one. Chip is always on chips, always on if you're looking for the chip, like ranch, I dip. Ooh,

Quincy Amarikwa (22:07):

Ooh. Um,

Quincy Amarikwa (22:11):

Soccer dad for life. What music you listening to now that helps get you ready for game time.

Quincy Amarikwa (22:20):


Quincy Amarikwa (22:21):

I am listening to like podcasts and or classical music before a game, but if I'm wanting to get reckless and ratchet, um, I'll listen to some, um, like just extremely like vulgar, um, uh, trap music, like, you know, like some, give me some of that. Give me some two chains, you know, for black bracelets, um, standing ovation.

Quincy Amarikwa (22:59):

Yeah. Inappropriate music,

Quincy Amarikwa (23:03):

Definitely. But you know,

Quincy Amarikwa (23:10):

Um, let's see. All right. Let's see. We've got a call in yo. Yo.

Quincy Amarikwa (23:33):

Well, the internet is acting a little funny. Can you hear me or no, I think you're dialing in.

Quincy Amarikwa (23:45):

Yes. Is that better? Yeah, that's better.

Quincy Amarikwa (23:53):

Okay. Hopefully, hopefully there won't be any issues. Um, what's going on, brother? What up? Um, so I have, uh, I need some advice with some, uh, stuff right now. That's going on. So, um, fortunately enough

Quincy Amarikwa (24:12):

We're first, first. Okay. Let everybody know your name, how old you are and where you're calling from.

Quincy Amarikwa (24:20):

Uh, my name's Kevin I'm 20 years old and uh, I'm currently residing in Kansas. Uh, I'm going to go to college In North Newton, Kansas. I go to Bethel college.

Quincy Amarikwa (24:34):

Yeah. Uh, Kevin said, sorry about that. My school's wifi. Isn't the best. All good. Um, uh, let me know if you're going to try calling back in again, or if, uh, if not, he just said using cell phone, Joe Jackson said using self honesty, I feel that I could have taken more opportunities and help my team get to district playoffs. Um, that was one of the biggest, and then we gave up one. All right. Well, that's a real, I mean that's positive raising your hand and recognizing when you messed up or could have done better or you cost the team. Uh, something important I think is a necessary experience to, to have when you go into an off season, you know, to grind and get better and better refine your, your process of what you do and what you work on. So that the next time you're in that position, you, you execute and you, uh, and you, uh, you reach, you reach your fullest potential. So it's a process, everybody. It, it takes time and you're, you're, you're going to make mistakes. And when that happens, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to own up to it and admit it, uh, because then that means you've got a lot of work to do. But what I do know for sure is that if you just accept and understand, cuts only hurts you in the long run. If you just buy in on that, the earlier you buy in on that, the greater chance you have of,

Quincy Amarikwa (26:18):


Quincy Amarikwa (26:20):

Accomplishing your goal and, and, um, being in a much better position in the future, then, then, uh, you are right now, hopefully this is going to work. Is it working? Yes. It's. I think it is. Can you hear me sound good?

Quincy Amarikwa (26:40):

Okay. Do you want me to introduce myself again or no? That's all right. Kevin 20. And currently I'm in, uh, I'm in, uh, North Newton, actually.

Quincy Amarikwa (26:50):

All right. So before your internet cuts out, how about you live now? What's what's going on? What's the question. Okay.

Quincy Amarikwa (26:56):

So it's, it's not really a question. It's kind of like a situation and like advice that I need. Um, so my, my college season I've been fortunate enough. We've been able to play some games, but, um, most of them have either been postponed until the spring and we're going to be playing most of our games in the spring and have our, um, of our postseason, um, in the spring as well. Um, the thing that I'm struggling with right now is I feel like I'm doing everything in my power to, well, first let me set this constant second team with my college right now. Um, so I'm on second team right now and I, so yeah, so there's like two separate practice times and stuff. And, um, I, I, uh, had a talk with my head coach and September about like what I need to improve on and like what I like, what he thinks or what I need to do to be pushed up, to be practicing with second team and, or practicing with first team and like being more, uh, so whenever comes spring time, whenever we start playing games again, I can be more of like an impact player.

Quincy Amarikwa (28:09):

Um, he said the main thing was like my ball retention. So like whenever I would get the ball, um, I'll turn it over. I would wouldn't find the right pass or, um, I'll just not be able to hold up the ball like as a striker, you know, like play the one touch, pass back and move off the ball, like stuff like that. Um, that, uh, the second thing was my strength to all, uh, my upper body strength. So I took those two things and I've been working on both of those things ever since. And I feel like I've made significant improvements on that, but I feel like he hasn't acknowledged that, or, um, I haven't seen any like, direct results from that. So it's like frustrating mentally to keep putting in the work whenever you're not getting like, recognized for it. So I'm like kind of struggling with that mentally. Like I'm still able to put it in because at the end of the day, like deep down, I have this inner belief that I'll be able to do it, but it's just, you know, it's, it's hard.

Quincy Amarikwa (29:13):

I understand. Okay. So first question is, do you think his assessment of what you needed to get better at was accurate? Do you think he was actually telling you the truth so you can get better? Or was he just telling you stuff so he could get you to leave him alone?

Quincy Amarikwa (29:31):

I would say, I actually believe what he, um, what is, what are you were saying? Um, and like I've for like the ball retention and stuff. My main focus has been like doing tons of like wall passing, checking my shoulder, um, doing stuff like that. Um, so I, I know what I want to do with the bowl, with the ball before I get it. And like being before I go to practice, I try and think, or I check my shoulder. No, I don't want to do with the ball, like be working on my awareness and stuff like that while still working on other aspects of my game. But that's what I've been focusing on in my training. And then of course I've been, I've been going to the gym three times a week. Um, and I do a full body and then two upper body lifts a week. So that's what I've been doing to get better. Um, in that regard,

Quincy Amarikwa (30:24):

How long have you been doing that for

Quincy Amarikwa (30:30):

Ever since September, since he started ever since we had that talk in mid September, September or November?

Quincy Amarikwa (30:41):


Quincy Amarikwa (30:44):

How long, how long do you think is, uh, is a, is an, Why do you think is an adequate amount of time to, to do that for before you could get any yeah. Before you're obviously already hitting the wall, right. You're getting frustrated because it's not working how you were expecting. So the first question is how long did you think it would take?

Quincy Amarikwa (31:15):

I guess I don't really have an answer to that. I, I guess I might be being impatient and I feel like, I feel like just because I'm putting in the work, I feel like it's deserved, but maybe I need to rethink that. Okay.

Quincy Amarikwa (31:27):

So then the question is, why do you think you deserve anything?

Quincy Amarikwa (31:36):

Because I feel like I'm one of the hardest working players on the team, if not the hardest working players, like whenever on the weekends guys go out and, um, do do things. And I'm, uh, I go out on the field on off day on whenever we don't have team trainings and I do my own trainings and I go to the gym and I do everything. I try and focused on sleep nutrition, all, everything possible that I can do to put myself in the best position I try and focus on.

Quincy Amarikwa (32:04):

Okay. And how long do you think it takes to do that before someone recognizes the work that you've put in?

Quincy Amarikwa (32:15):

I'm not sure. I don't, I don't really have an answer to that, I guess.

Quincy Amarikwa (32:19):

Okay. So then, okay. So now let's think through it. What do you think it, how long do you think it should take?

Quincy Amarikwa (32:30):

Well, my, my goal was, um, so we're about to go on, break on the 20th.

Quincy Amarikwa (32:37):

I know. I feel like I understand, I know what your goal is and what you want. I'm asking you, how long do you think it should take? How long do you think you sh how hard do you think it should have to be to accomplish your goals? And how long do you think you should have to be dedicated before you can accomplish your goals? Like, what do you think is a fair amount of time?

Quincy Amarikwa (32:57):

I mean, you gotta be dedicated longterm. I don't really think there's like a set amount of time. You just gotta be consistent with it.

Quincy Amarikwa (33:05):

So then what's long-term

Quincy Amarikwa (33:09):

Years, months.

Quincy Amarikwa (33:12):

Okay. There's a big, okay. But there's a big difference between months and there's a difference between years, right? Yeah. So, okay. So then you said you have to be committed to it for the long-term I'm asking you how long is long-term

Quincy Amarikwa (33:30):

I guess I'll I'll I would say months more than years. Yeah.

Quincy Amarikwa (33:34):

Why, why would you say months? More than three years?

Quincy Amarikwa (33:37):

I feel, um, for months, like you should at least start getting recognized. Maybe I, I feel like you shouldn't have to wait a year to get recognized for the work that you're putting in.

Quincy Amarikwa (33:50):

I know. I, okay. I understand that. That's how you feel. I'm asking you, I'm asking you, cause you said you got to rethink some stuff, so I'm asking you questions to rethink it. Why do you feel like it should only take a year? Like, what's your reasoning for that? Like what, what tells you that it should only take a year?

Quincy Amarikwa (34:10):

I guess I haven't really thought about that. That much, honestly.

Quincy Amarikwa (34:13):

Okay. So then maybe spend some time thinking about that. And while you're thinking about that, you at least make the commitment that you will always keep doing what you're doing, right? Cause, cause there's no guarantee that your coach will ever recognize you, but if you're only doing it for his recognition and it's never going to come, you'll eventually give up. But if you're doing it for yourself, because you know, that's what you need to do to get better. And eventually someone who's, who's deserving of your effort, deserving of your talent can see you you'll be ready when they get there.

Quincy Amarikwa (35:11):

Yeah. I liked that. Like, um, I guess the way I interpreted what you just said is like kind of redefine my why and what I'm in and why I'm doing what I'm doing. Don't don't search for external, um, gratification, I guess, you know, like focus on doing it to be the best version of myself, be the best soccer player I can possibly be. If that makes sense.

Quincy Amarikwa (35:38):

There you go. Because at the end of the day, you don't know where your career will end up. You don't know if tomorrow will be the last day you ever get to play the game, but what you, in my mind, what you want to be able to say, when it's done is I did everything I could to get to be the best I could be. And if my best wasn't good enough to be at the USL level or the MLS level of the prem level, at least I know it wasn't because I could have given more.

Quincy Amarikwa (36:11):

Yeah. Follow me. Yeah, I follow. Okay.

Quincy Amarikwa (36:18):

So, uh, if you're doing what you're saying, you're doing, then those are that's good. But doing that takes time to be rewarded for it and to see the benefits and results of your hard work, right? Yeah. It takes time. And um, there's no way to know for sure. If it's enough, if you quit.

Quincy Amarikwa (36:52):

Yeah, I agree.

Quincy Amarikwa (36:54):

Okay. So you're saying like, okay, this is just what I do. I train three days a week on my own extra and do the gym two days or three days a week extra because this is what I do. And I'm going to do this for the next 10 years, whether I'm on a team or not on a team, whether I, you get what I'm saying, like this is why. And when you can build that level of consistency over time, you build your brand, you build people, know you for something. And if they know you to be reliable and trustworthy and you know, and knowledgeable and XYZ, whatever, right. That's how you

Quincy Amarikwa (37:40):


Quincy Amarikwa (37:41):

Up the other way is to take shortcuts. And that's what a lot of people around you, especially at the younger age will do. Maybe they'll talk crap about you at the right person. And it tears you down. Maybe they'll ignore what you're doing. Maybe whatever. Maybe you made a mistake and you were disrespectful and you didn't know you were when you first showed up. And now they're trying to teach you a lesson or maybe they just don't know. And they're not going to tell you that they don't know it could be any of these things. It could be none of them, it could be all of them. It could be others. The only thing that I know for sure. Okay.

Quincy Amarikwa (38:16):

Is that

Quincy Amarikwa (38:21):

If you focus on how you'll figure out a way to make it work, regardless of your current situations and you stick in dedicate to that and you build on that eventually you'll see your opportunity. You'll see your way out. You'll see what it is that you're wanting or a path forward. Is that, is that helpful? Yeah, that's helpful. Okay. Yeah, man. Uh, was there any other, any other questions?

Quincy Amarikwa (39:00):

Uh, no. It was just mainly wanting to get advice for the kind of situation that I'm in right now. But yeah, I, I like how you, um, how many we think my why and stuff like that.

Quincy Amarikwa (39:15):

All right, bro. Well, Hey Kevin, thank you for the call for calling in. It looks, I'm seeing a bunch of people spamming the heart button and dropped in their thoughts. I think, uh, I think a lot of other, uh, followers have been in a similar situation or in similar situations. So I know they appreciate your honesty and being open and sharing that this, uh, that's dope, man. I appreciate you calling in. Yeah. Nepal. Our brother have a good night.

Quincy Amarikwa (39:39):

All right. You too later.

Quincy Amarikwa (39:45):

Uh, yeah, no. Was, that was a great, those are great questions and great call in and, and I appreciate you being open with, uh, what you're, you're dealing with Kevin. So everybody spin that heart button. If you appreciate, uh, Kevin's story, he's experienced what he is dealing with and, um, your guys' thoughts and, uh, yeah. Anyone else finding, uh, been in a similar situation.

Quincy Amarikwa (40:11):


Quincy Amarikwa (40:15):

And we got about, I got about 10 minutes here before we're calling it a night. So I'm scrolling back up to see the other questions that we may have missed. Um, and I'm seeing everyone's spam that heartburn Trevor's spam, that heart button and Trevor also asks what's the biggest difference between USL and MLS? I would say the biggest difference is the level of experience of a players. Um, and that experience tends, uh, tends to a lot more mistakes. And, um, um, yeah, there's a lot more mistakes at the USL level that if happened at the MLS level, you would be punished for and, and, um, badly, but you know, th th the degree of separation between levels, isn't, isn't as massive as people would like to think, or would think as much as it is your level of room for error, the higher you go up becomes less and less and less. So like, it is massively different because, uh, at the time you have to make decisions is less and the consequences for when you get something wrong is even greater. So, uh, those, those are the biggest differences between the levels to me, um, on the field, off the field, on the field is fine for now.

Quincy Amarikwa (41:39):

Hmm. Um, then run a hundred miles an hour today, starting to get a little bit tired, and I've got some, I've got soccer, homework of my own to get to tonight, everybody. Uh, for those of you don't know, I think I've mentioned it last week. I'm getting my coach's license right now. Finally, um, have, uh, the online, online course curriculum. So we can go through that and do that. So that has been interesting. Uh, so far Soccer dad flap said, Hey, if soccer doesn't work out, you can always have a singing career. It wouldn't be very profitable one, but yes, I, uh, I could have a singing career, uh, roam, R O M O G a R Z 19 said, what up can, what's going on brother? Welcome in a real MLS memes joined in as well to you. Uh, let's see, let's see, Joseph what's your internet must have gotten something in its head because it's acting funny. Yeah. Uh, uh, I'm scrolling back through all the messages, sorry about the technical difficulties with the internet. Um, average to Savage Paul's, um, in the, in the group chat, shout out Paul. Um, let's see.

Quincy Amarikwa (43:05):

Yeah. And now I'm seeing the comments. Everyone was dropping back and forth to each other, which is great to see. I love the community engagement. Um, a N I S J a O U a D said, uh, knowledge bombs in all caps, strong arm emoji, two exclamation points. And John said, this is really good. I'm glad to hear that. Um, either probably do a little bit more Colin's like that when you guys got some scenarios that you've got specifically and we can talk through them, always enjoy that. So it's, uh, it's uh it's. I enjoy it. So I'm glad to hear that you guys are getting something out of it. Um, Jackson, you against yourself from yesterday, always I'm in your head. That's what's up FF a I Z Y tan dropped to go to emojis, not just one, but dos, uh, uh, uh, F F a I Z Y 10 had asked Quincy, I hope you're doing well on joining a D three ID camp this weekend. And I was wondering what my mindset should be going into it and what coaches will look for. Thanks. It's hard to say for sure what coaches will look for, but I think your mindset going in should be to

Quincy Amarikwa (44:23):

Focus on what you're good at and let go of when you make mistakes, because you're going to make mistakes, like try best, not to think that if you make a mistake, your whole camp is over and the coaches never going to look at you and you ruined every single opportunity. Most players are going in there with that mentality. So if you're, you're a player who goes in with the mentality of like, if I make a mistake, I don't care. And if I, you know, if I'm, I'm going to make mistakes, literally go into that camp, knowing that you're going to make mistakes and knowing that you're okay with it, that's how I would go into it. If you can figure out how to do that, you will have a very great career. Um, and they said, I can understand how Kevin feels. Um, JJ, U S E F 10 had asked, would you ever analyze your game? Yeah, I'd be happy to analyze my game. Maybe. Uh, do you guys do like a breakdown of it? And we talk, talk through my touches and what it looks like. I think if you want to look at a little bit of an assessment of my game, let me see, Oh,

Quincy Amarikwa (45:34):

What would it perfect. Soccer Me see. So if you guys are wanting to, if you guys look at that and drop some comments on it, I think I'll get a notification for it. And if you guys like stuff like that, maybe I'll do something like that. And once every like two weeks or so, or something were manageable, manageable before, I'd be like, Oh, I could do something every day, but I can't do that, uh, URL. So I'm throwing on my homeless store to see if I can find the link, um, Episode. Maybe I'll try, I'll try to find it later, but it's just a breakdown of, uh, uh, training, uh, play in the training session when I was with DC United, just kind of breaking down my movement off the ball. Um, Um, but yes, I've got, I've got that. Um, now, now my I'm going to get caught up on that. Come on. What is the link? Okay. Oh, I can't find it right now. Sorry, if you guys can remember next week, I'll hopefully from the link and drop it. If, if not, you guys might be able to find it on the perfect soccer YouTube channel. Um, and it's like me breaking down a training session at DC United.

Quincy Amarikwa (48:08):

So if you can find that there, you you'll see it there. I can't remember where I'd posted it. Let's see. Uh, Kevin said, thanks again, Quincy, for the help. Are you under contract with Las Vegas for next season? Of course. Happy to help. And as of right now, no, I'm not. Um, but I am in conversations in kind of several different capacities. So we'll see. Um, we'll see if, what if and what happens. Um, let's see what we've got

Quincy Amarikwa (48:56):

11 full fan page. So some of my friends and my mom supports me when I told them about my plans to trap for a soccer team. Congratulations. That's, that's great to hear. Um, E H a R R E N 21 joined in and dropped away at what's going on. Um, uh, underscore underscore S a F S a I F dot C a S. Have you ever seen any teammate facing problems from the lack of weight and height? Yeah, but you know, then you just got to figure out a way you got to figure out a way around it. I think there is more okay. So John, uh, John had asked, uh, Connor McGregor said I'm not talented. I'm obsessed. Do you believe this to be true with most people who are successful? Yes, I think because they're obsessed, they became talented. I think, I think talent is also relative.

Quincy Amarikwa (49:57):

I think when, when people are talented, when they're young, you're just saying relative to the people around them, they seem to be better. And sometimes, you know, typically when you're better than the rest, people focus on, you give you more, uh, more resources, more attention, more, more, uh, of their time, which tends to if the person has the right mentality lead to future success and they grow and they continue to stay above the rest and continue to go on. Um, but I'd say a mass majority of successful people. Um, we're not that we weren't, that they weren't the most talented, the best at the youngest. I would say that maybe they had some talent or they had some skillset or something that they're good at, but what they really dialed in on is a, got obsessed with some aspect of their game or themselves. And they, through that obsession, they learned how to become great.

Quincy Amarikwa (50:57):

And, um, I would definitely agree with that assessment definitely agree with that assessment, you know, uh, most athletes, most professionals, business professionals, weren't like a LeBron James where everyone knew at, you know, 13 or 14 when you you're six foot seven and can dunk, uh, that the likelihood chance that you're going to be an all-time basketball players high. But there are a lot of guys who and girls who fit that description, but ended up not panning out. So I think it's those who have some level of talent for something that's a good app or nothing that they're good at, but get obsessed that eventually ultimately become great at something. So, so, yeah. So I'm thinking, uh, Trevor Willis or T R E V O R w I L L I S underscore said, I have a college combine in January. Any tips to prepare for that?

Quincy Amarikwa (51:55):

Yeah, you've got plenty of time to hit a perfect cyber skills DICOM slash SSS, and, uh, commit to listening to that podcast, um, that, that talk for an hour every week between now and then. And I think by doing that, that just alone, the amount of work and effort and energy you put in on top of that on your own in preparation for your camp in January will be much higher than if you didn't. So that would be my advice if you, now, if you take that advice and actually do it, that's another thing Kevin had said best of luck, Quincy, any team will be lucky to have you. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Um, but yeah, everyone, I'm going to call it a show, um, Yon and every two seconds, and I've got more homework to get to you more study you. And yeah, it has been a long, a long day, but I think a productive day.

Quincy Amarikwa (52:58):

So I want to thank everybody for joining in for another episode of the hashtag ask eight socket pro show as always, I enjoy seeing everybody and, um, all the participation in the community and everyone's spam that heart button, uh, thanks to Kevin for Paula Dan and sharing a bit of his experience and all of the questions that came in from the community. Um, as always, you guys know, we have the show every Thursday, same time, same place. Um, so, uh, come with questions. If you have them as well as any feedback you have, uh, for, for me, so we can continue to improve the show. Um, maybe bring out some more guests and kind of get, get that up and up and going again. Uh, Joe had said almost done here, Quincy, thanks for another amazing life. Good luck with coaching license. Thank you very much and dropped in the I'm your head emojis, uh, K 23 set I've got studying to do as well. They were all in the same boat. Liverpool, uh, dropped the iron in your head emojis. The real Heldon said SIA. Uh, John dropped to nine when your head emojis and I returned the favor. Uh, everybody, thanks again for tuning in. I will see everybody next week and as always, I mean, you had later.