Any advice for a female center mid?
The #AskASocerPro show is a Live video podcast where 11 year MLS vet and Mental Strength Coach Quincy Amarikwa dives into the mentalities of highly successful individuals both on and off the pitch. In this weeks episode Quincy Amarikwa discussed about advice for a female center mid, perfect soccer subscription, a #10 Train? and more.
Time Stamps
0:00-8:14 Welcome to the #AASP 92
9:41-12:17 What would you like to see in a perfect soccer subscription?
13:41-15:38 How to handle moving up a league with harder teams?
Tips on getting better at right back or Defensive Mid. @live_rpoolfcfanpage
15:45-18:20 Quincy’s thoughts on Jill Ellis as a candidate as the new DC coach?
19:04-26:24 Any advice for a female center mid?
26:25-28:55 Tips for playing against a dirty team? @msl_fan_page
30:43-40:30 The pros and cons of the pay to play system of soccer. @soccer_dad_4life
41:36-46:40 How Quincy got started in youth soccer. @soccer_dad_4life
47:11-48:55 How should a #10 Train? @sageofdbz
Tips on calming nerves before a big game? @msl_fan_page
48:56-59:11 Thank you for stopping by for the #AskASoccerPro Show #92
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Quincy Amarikwa (00:00):
We're all here to ride the MSL waves. You mentioned strength lead. I'd like to welcome you to another episode of the hashtag ask eight soccer pro
Quincy Amarikwa (00:12):
Everybody has everybody's trickling in. I'm happy to see, happy to see everybody tuning in, uh, those of you who are new. Welcome England. Welcome to am over in the UK. Joining in. Happy to see you. Um, thank you very much for that. You guys are making it easier on me now with all of this, you guys know the links, uh, perfect soccer, but as everybody is joining in and dropping their questions in the chat box and spamming that hard button and getting a little, double little double I'm in your head action, double I'm in your head action today. Uh, I want to welcome everybody to another episode of the hashtag ask a yes,
Quincy Amarikwa (00:53):
Pro ho episode
Quincy Amarikwa (00:57):
92. I think we're on episode 92. And if not, then I think we're on episode 91. Uh, but welcome everybody to another episode of the hashtag soccer per show. I'm your host 12 year professional soccer player, Quincy America. And, uh, yeah, for those of you who are just tuning in for the first time ever, I'd like to welcome you to the best community on line to have ever existed. The MSL community, the MSL, what is the MSL? You may be asking yourself. Well, the MSL is the mental strength league. It is a
Quincy Amarikwa (01:38):
Quincy Amarikwa (01:39):
A game that you are either an active participant or you're steady getting played. It is a game of four dimensional chess where we're out here working together to build a community, to accomplish our individual and collective goals. And the MSL mentality is just a mentality to help you accomplish your goals. We talk about it here every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST on the perfect underscore soccer accounts. Um, it's been great to see the community growing over time. I'm seeing Campbell dropping in them in your head. Jeez, Rafa dropping them in your head. Emoji tell you're dropping diamond. You're at emojis. Everybody's spending their hard button cause the MSL community is strong and the dedication of this group is amazing. I'm happy to see everybody for another episode and, uh, you know, answer some questions that are sent in and submitted as they relate to soccer or life or philosophy or other.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:32):
Um, today should be a great one. You can see Kevin of DC United, uh, joined us for the perfect soccer podcast that was dropped here on Monday. If you guys haven't checked out that episode, make sure you head over to perfect soccer radio and have a listen. It's great. Seeing some of the young ones on the come up, joining in on the platform to share their story, um, share their perspective, share what they have done to help them get to the level that they're at and a little bit of a snapshot of their current mindset, um, uh, now, and the focus that they have for their, their future MSL. Fanpage dropping them in your head, emojis, Trevor Willis, dropping them and your emojis loving that. Thank you guys very much. Um, yeah, today I feel a little more kicked back. You know what I mean, a little more laid back casual, uh, casual, as casual as we get sometimes.
Quincy Amarikwa (03:28):
Cause you know, we can go deep, but how's everybody doing? What's uh, what's been up. How are you feeling? Good, bad, indifferent. Um, how's the community what's been going on and uh, while I'm waiting for some feedback from you guys as to where you're at, what's been, what's been up in your, in your neck of the woods. Um, I was discussing for those who are joining in for the first time or two, uh, familiar or aware of what the show is and what it has been, um, for these last 91 episodes and, uh, yeah, reflecting on the last 91 episodes and where we've been, where we started just when we started the show, as well as what has happened in the world of soccer in America, state of America. Um, I guess it's making me realize and think even further about the importance of the MSL mentality and, and how it helps you thrive in chaos in times of uncertainty.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:37):
And I, I, I can't think of an, an, a more uncertain time than the times we've faced ourselves here in 2020, but you guys know 2020 is all about the vision and, uh, things will start to come into focus here hopefully soon. MLS now podcasts welcome. Thanks for joining in. Um, yeah, I guess maybe the theme of the day is uncertainty thriving in uncertainty and how to focus on, um, to find focus in uncertainty. So what have you guys been focusing on here during these, uh, these uncertain times of 2020? Um, T I said, I had soccer today with my coach, Ryan of that shout out Ryan mash B pro general manager, um, just killing it, killing it, um, with the programs and everything that he's been putting together and, and working with his local club and helping us get everything dialed here on the digital side of stuff.
Quincy Amarikwa (05:45):
Um, if you haven't already make sure you create your perfect soccer team membership account, perfect soccer get access to our, uh, books and training materials. We've got, uh, I'm working with the team right now to come up with the perfect soccer subscription. So you a little teaser of it, a teaser of it. Um, we're making like an ultimate soccer package, um, and pricing that is, uh, very easily accessible for everybody, uh, affordable. And just over-delivers the value smacks you over the head with value, as you guys know, uh, a, a, a pillar of perfect soccer is to over deliver value, every leave, every exchange, having given more than we received, we've been doing that amazingly well. Uh, these last several years and a big focus of ours has been to just focus on you and get you the best, most highest quality information imaginable and possible without having to pay for it.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:49):
Um, that has been my focus for years. That's really what this brand has been hyper optimized for. And, um, yeah, we've done an amazing job of that. And, you know, this year has been a lot of self reflection and these past three quarters really looking at the business itself and making sure it's sustainable and something that we can continue to do. We've got an amazing team of 13 people that, um, that I pay to continue to help me record this content, uh, do the post production scheduling, planning, like, uh, the equipment, everything. I have an amazing team of, of, uh, people who are working behind the scenes, um, to help bring this together and make it happen. And, uh, you know, money is a driving factor of that and making something sustainable. So, so, um, I'm, I'm really focused in, we're getting dialed in here on a, the perfect soccer subscription, um, so that we can continue to provide the services that we're providing the information, the, all the production and stuff that goes into bringing this all together and keeping it consistent that I'm excited to hopefully share with you guys here soon.
Quincy Amarikwa (08:11):
Um, some feedback I'd love seeing everyone's spam, the heart button. What's some, what's some stuff that you'd like to see in a, in a perfect soccer subscription. Um, what would you like to have access to? What, what would be worth paying for to you? Um, right now, though, this is good too. Cause I've got you guys on the call and I can get a little bit of your feedback as of right now, we're thinking of cause cause those of you may or may not know Ryan's been building out the be pro weekly training program. So for those of you who were at home or during COVID, or need personalized private training sessions, but don't know what to do, and haven't don't have a consistent program and a pro player making those programs for you be pro weekly is our, uh, personal training program. We've got beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:00):
Um, right now that is a subscription service that we've been charging. I think the pricing right now is $4 weekly for access to the programs. We've got a few people who've, who've been using and utilizing that as well as individuals who've bought perfect soccer skills Academy, which is, um, um, the full all-in-one training program that Ross Lebow and myself put together. Um, I forgot who was on the live last week, who had purchased that and has been using that had gave some rave reviews of that and has gotten much better as a result of it. So it's great to hear and see that those are working. Um, I think what I was trying to do is bring it all together and make one super baller bundle package. That includes everything, PSA, our B pro weekly training programs. Um, uh, I want to start, I want to start a perfect soccer, um, basically like purpose soccer office hours.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:59):
So everybody can come here and join every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST for free get access, get your question answered and stuff like that. But I know some individuals are wanting more specific questions and kind of go deep on their specific topic. I know I kind of limit how deeply and how much I talk about topics here, cause we only got an hour, uh, but kind of having like a private office hours where there's a private zoom link. And, um, you can get your questions answered specific by pros. Um, basically building a whole bundle package that includes all of those things, access to everything at right now at 10 bucks a month. And then it was thinking of a yearly if you pay upfront for a yearly subscription. So I'm thinking all of that $10 a month, you get access to that. The private soccer training out, uh, private soccer hours, um, all of our books, training tools and resources, uh, be pro weekly programs, um, access to literally everything, um, for 10 bucks a month and then, uh, or a hundred dollars a year and at the a hundred dollars a year, um, I was, I was thinking of making it where if you pay for your subscription for a hundred dollars a year, you can get one item in at, at the perfect cyber store for free.
Quincy Amarikwa (11:10):
So any one item that is on the store you can get for free. So if you wanted to get a dope, I like this sweater, this is one of my favorite sweaters. Um, and it's probably I'm biased because I'm on it, but I, I just like it. Uh, so if that's a T shirt, if that's a hat, if that's a, a poster, um, like you see that we've got up there, um, what else? A perfect soccer match ball, a perfect soccer, portable two and one soccer goal. Um, doesn't matter one item in the store for free for your subscription. So that's what I'm thinking. I wanted to share that with you guys, get your thoughts and feedback. Would you pay 10 bucks a month for access to all of that or a hundred bucks a year for access to all of that and a one item for free in the store?
Quincy Amarikwa (12:04):
Yeah. MSL fan page said 10 for 10 Merck. Appreciate that. That's the, that's what I'm looking for in terms of feedback that you guys could really help me out with. And while you guys kind of think about that and let me know, um, start answering some of the questions that have come in, uh, come in now. Uh, Tony said, what up Quincy, what's going on, Tony, uh, Diego, one X, 10 at ass. Where do you play? I currently just finished with, uh, Las Vegas lights. I spent the last 11 years at the in different teams of MLS. So I played for San Jose, played for the San Jose earthquakes, New York, red bulls, Toronto FC, Chicago fire, San Jose, second stint, Montreal impact, and then DC nigh. So there's an MLS teams that I've played for. And now, uh, Las Vegas lights, um, MSL fan page said, Quincy, please come back to DC. We need a good striker to be up top with. Segora eight. You guys, you guys know what it is, make that connection, let them know. I know they just recently, um, uh, released Ben Olson and there is a lot of rumors and stuffs, uh, swirling about who the replacement coach will be. I know Chad is the interim coach until that gets kind of sorted out. Um, who would you guys like to see step in as a, as a coach of DC?
Quincy Amarikwa (13:35):
Let's see, uh, Trevor Willis said I'm good. My teams, my team has been struggling a lot because we got moved up to the first division in the league and we haven't won a game yet. Okay. So that's good. You're you, you kinda dominated your division that you're at and made your major move up, which means higher competition, new experiences and opportunities to, to learn. Um, uh, I understand that grind, uh, soccer is a roller coaster, high highs and lows. Uh, the lows aren't necessarily fun, but when you can find the humor and the fun in the lows and the difficult times, um, you'll appreciate the good times that much more and you'll get through the low times more quickly. So that would be my kind of advice on that. Um, let's see, live our pool FC fan page had said, I want to be a defender, like a write back in defensive midfielder, but I'm not the best, any tips to get better.
Quincy Amarikwa (14:48):
Yeah. Um, well, if you're, if you're still in the market of figuring out what your position is, um, I th I think rasa did, uh, did a video. I think it was a wa uh, sorry, an in depth with Ross episode on the PR on the perfect soccer, YouTube account, talking about how to find or pick your position. So I would recommend you watch that video, um, if you haven't already, and if you have watch it again, cause it's always great to have a good reminder. And then, uh, he has several videos discussing the defensive midfielder position. That was, that was Ross's main, main position and his main focal point.
Quincy Amarikwa (15:29):
So he did several videos on that position as well as tactics surrounding that. So that's, those would be my tips for that. Uh, let's see. Kendall drop nine in your head emoji. Uh, yeah, I'm hearing, I heard that Jill Ellis is a candidate for the new coach and I was like, mind blown. Well, what blew your mind about it? Um, I've seen those, I've seen those rumors as well to you. Um, did a little bit of research, not a whole lot of research as to kind of like her history and, um, like her previous, uh, soccer experience. But, um,
Quincy Amarikwa (16:09):
But yeah, I think I was reading comments that people had put under a couple of different articles and there's, you know, points made on both sides in favor and against, um, in my very limited understanding, uh, uh, some, some, some people were were saying that there is no link or correlation between coaching on the national team level in terms of, um, apparently, and this is what I can't fact check. I don't know. I can fact check, I have in fact checked this yet. It was just a, from the points in it, it was saying that she's only coached at that level, not at the club level. And then there's an interesting conversation debate in the comments that I was just reading where they were discussing, um, why that's a positive, why that's a negative, why they should go with it, why they shouldn't. So I just think, I think putting the name out there is, is awesome for conversation and getting the, getting the ball rolling,
Quincy Amarikwa (17:06):
If not, for just having, um, discussions for entertainment's sake. And you never know, hopefully it turns into, it can turn into a historic history, like a historic decision, like DC is in a position where they could, they can really be at the forefront. There's a lot of, uh, a lot of stuff going on, you know, with, uh, black players for change, as you guys know the organization itself, as well as, uh, on the women's rights, uh, as it pertains to us soccer. So I think there's just a great opportunity, uh, that, that sits in front of DC United to, to make some, make a historical decision, whichever direction they to go. Um, so it's always interesting to see what decision they come to you and how they justify those decisions. Ben Jammin, what's going on, brother. Good to see you. Um, uh, if, if that happens, it would be the first, uh, woman, coach and MLS. I think it would be amazing to have such an amazing winning coach. Yep. And that's exactly my point in terms of like the historic nature of what they have the opportunity to do Daniel, what's going on, brother. Good to see you shout out to official MLS memes, dropping mad dank memes, uh, especially crushing LA FC as of late.
Quincy Amarikwa (18:39):
Uh, I feel like you've, I feel like you've been having a great time, uh, making those particular memes a lot. I've said having problems with my internet connection, but the two defensive positions I'm thinking about was those two. So check out the videos. Okay, cool. Awesome. Glad to hear it. Uh, spams of that heart button, let's see Kendall, uh, submitted her question. Any advice for a female center, midfielder, um, any advice for a female center midfielder? Well, um, I guess why it's taking me a second to think about that is I'm trying to understand in wonder, um, why, or if you feel it changes based on being a male or a female. So that's why I was really, I was thinking about that. Um, but I think advice for female midfielder, I'm trying to make it specific to a female midfielder with my understanding of the game, uh, for those who don't know, uh, my sister Kristen [inaudible] play, uh, played just recently completed playing for San Jose state.
Quincy Amarikwa (19:58):
So she was, she was, she kept until she made captain. I think she was captain of the team, um, by her senior year. And, um, she started out as a midfielder, uh, but she spent a majority of her time, um, at San Jose state as a center back and then like kind of rounded out the last couple of games of her career up at forward. Cause she's kind of a physical presence and really good in the air on headers. So when you're asking me about a female central midfielder, I'm thinking of all the advice and the different conversations I've had with her over the years, um, when she started at midfield. And, um, I think, I think knowing being confident in your game and being confident in yourself, isn't anything you should be ashamed of. I think the difference in my mind between the males, the males game and the females game is, and we're talking in the general sense.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:03):
I tend to think that when women are confident in themselves, it's perceived as a negative thing. It's not perceived as a positive or a good thing. Um, at least not in the same way it's viewed when, when a man is confident in themselves. And that's also kind of a general statement because, um, that's also dependent on, you know, the man themselves, um, as well as the female themselves. And I think during these times, it's even, it's, it's most difficult because many individual males and many individual females have felt as though how they're perceived is not, and has not been in a positive, in a positive light for, for a multitude of reasons, which is why I think these, these times are, are happening and the uncertainty that's surrounding it is, is so new. There's so many things that are in flux. So many things that are being heard for the first time.
Quincy Amarikwa (22:06):
And so many things that are in the process of being changed or at least examined that, um, it's kind of difficult to know which way is up, which way is down. Um, so yeah, uh, that's a good question, Kendall, cause I'm, I'm trying to think of advice as to where we are at this point in time, as well as where we were that got us here. And I think that's, what's most important regardless if you're male, female old, young, black, white, uh, other, um, professional amateur. Just love this for fun, whatever that is. I think, you know,
Quincy Amarikwa (23:05):
Quincy Amarikwa (23:06):
Being confident in who you are and knowing that you are unique, you are an individual, there's no one else in the world. Who's like you, even if you're a twin, uh, there, uh, even if there's a twin, you have different experiences than your twin. So maybe genetically you're identical, but your thumb, your thumb prints aren't the same, right? But your experience is also different and the way that you navigate the world and perceive things is different as well, too. So, um, understanding that and being confident in yourself and knowing that not everyone's going to agree with you, uh, like you, um, root for you, cheer for you, but that's the beauty of it. You know, that's what creates context. That's what creates opportunity. That's what creates, um, yeah, that's what creates opportunity. And you, you, you have the choice to, to seize your opportunity or let it pass you by, um, you have the choice to do the work or choose not to do the work.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:12):
Um, not everybody starts out in the best position, but everybody, if you're alive, you're in a position and you, you at least have an opportunity at life and being appreciative and grateful of that and realizing that, you know, there's, there's someone who has started with less than you and gotten to the top and someone who started with more than you and fall into the bottom. And, uh, there's it, everything's an ebb and flow just like the game of soccer, you know, calls are subjective. One, one ref calls it a foul, another calls it a red card, another, doesn't see it and says, play on another, sees it and says, play on, you know, like I think that's why soccer is the world's game. And it's a, it's CA it's a, it's a game that can connect the entire world. And I'm seeing Serena on here, uh, uh, speaking with her earlier.
Quincy Amarikwa (25:19):
And it was a good point. Like if there's, if there was anything that had the ability to create world peace, um, I think soccer will, will be when, when we get there. I think soccer will be an integral piece in making that come to fruition. Um, yeah, live, live or pool said, I agree completely. Um, yeah, I just, uh, and I think the reason for that is because of the subjectivity of the game, the art of the game, the nuance of the game, it's the ebbs and flow of the game and tying it all together to the midfield or the midfielders job is to, to, to learn, to command the game and flow with the game and, and be a connector. Um, and find that, that, like that piece, that you're, you're, you're to be the inner peace on the field and to kind of project that to the rest of your team.
Quincy Amarikwa (26:11):
Um, yeah, that's my advice for a female central midfielder. I appreciate that question, Kendall, uh, let's see. MSL fan page had asked tips for playing against a dirty team tapes were playing against a dirt team. Well, if you're playing against a dirty team and the ref is not paying attention or doesn't care, or isn't kind of protecting you, um, I think that's the first thing you want to figure out and know for certain, um, is the ref someone who's willing to hear your concerns and be on the lookout for it and pay attention, or are they not interested? Um, first and foremost, um, and then, and then from there, if, if they are then, uh, when you're playing, being mindful of not putting yourself in positions to where, um, they kid you can get injured. Cause, uh, you know, if we're talking about a dirty team and dirty play, um, being mindful of that, and if, uh, I'm trying to think, I'm trying to hit it all the different kinds of like, or multiple different angles of, of playing against dirty teams cause playing dirty as a tactic, right?
Quincy Amarikwa (27:40):
It's one that, that wins, uh, that can help you win. And, um, you know, playing dirty is relative. So some people think it's dirty. Some people say it's just part of the game and it's part of the rules, you know, that you're bending the rules, whatever. So like, however you define as dirty or, you know, dirty play, um, understanding what that means and how it can negatively affect you and impact you. And like, can it negatively impact you not only today, but moving forward and doing your best to be aware of that and not allow it to make you make an emotional irrational decision, which could have consequences that, that, um, that aren't helpful to you, uh, which is probably the reason why they were being dirty in the first place. So, so realizing and understanding that, uh, playing dirty is kind of is just a tactic. So how do you acknowledge address in, in handle handle when that tactic is used against you? Cause it will be both on and off the field.
Quincy Amarikwa (28:57):
Uh, no context dealing what's going on. He said, Quincy dropping facts in, um, Ben jam has said that went way deeper than I thought it was going to. I like it. Yeah. W didn't I say earlier? Yeah, let's keep it casual, no problems surface level. And then I go, dang, okay. Campbell hit me with a deep one or one that we can go deep. And I, you know, I feel like that's, that was needed for the times. Campbell dropped the I'm in your head emojis. Thank you, Kendall and said, thank you for the inspiration. Of course. Thank you for the question and tuning in and, and, um, you know, sharing I'm dad for life, just joined in what's going on. Welcome. Welcome. Um, uh, MSLs fan page said good tips for this weekend. Strong arm emoji of course. Happy to hear it. Um, let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:02):
So yeah, if you guys got any more questions, please feel free to drop them into the chat box or in the comment section. Um, what do we got I'm looking through? Cause you know, when I got them screenshots, we were talking about last week about what we can, what I can share on a IgG lives when you're pulling all this stuff up. So it was pretty cool. And uh, as S going by, uh, let's see, I'm a soccer dad for life said taking my boys to a, uh, more expensive club I have given in I've given into the pay to pay to play. But I think the development should be better. I think you're saying, you're saying you've given in, as in like you, you, you finally see, you see the value in paying for the higher club. Do you, do you see that because you feel the coaching is better, the opportunities are better. Like what, what do you feel? It makes the money worth it? Um, let's talk, your dad said yes. Okay. Yeah. So like, so yeah, so soccer dad said he's given in and he's, he's, he's, he's forking up the money to pay for a higher club, but while I'm waiting. Yeah. So what, what do you think pain making that payment helps give you access to you or it gives your, your players access to you that they're missing out on right now?
Quincy Amarikwa (31:46):
Um, let's see, uh, McNasty 2002 said coaches are better. Fields are better coming from club position. Okay. Coaches are better. Fields are better. I mean, that makes sense. Right? More money, more, um, more funding, more money, more funding, more access, more opportunity. Um, more commitment from people. Uh, let's see. Um, soccer dad. I do believe the coaching and players are better. They have a developed structure, they have own facilities, et cetera. Just a couple of things. Uh, okay. I, I, I agree. And I think we, I was just, Oh, that's what I was doing. So that's a good transition. So let me see, you know, pull it up here. Cause I was going, like, I was just talking about this. I was like, who was I talking about this with? And why am I thinking about it? And this is here we go. So a tectonic, Oh, I'm seeing tectonic takes.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:05):
That's what it is. Okay. Tectonic takes, I was just on a, I joined their podcast. What is it like two days ago we went for an hour and then we kind of had an emergency BPC meeting. So I had to cut, cut it short. So they did, uh, they had published part one, which was, which was fun. Then we, we joined in again, had another conversation for part two. Um, and we might end up doing a part three just because you guys know your man's can go pretty deep. But, uh, we discussed a lot, a lot. Uh, and one of the things that we discussed was kind of the pro REL pay to play system and, um, obviously the pros and cons of it. And I think, uh, for soccer to have gotten to the place that it is here in now, uh, the pay to play system was necessary, you know, kind of like a necessary evil soccer was not a sport here in America that people really cared much about and wanted access to, or wanted to participate in. And because of that, I think he became very niche and kind of like a, uh, a rich person sport, you know, very similar to golf or tennis, you know, and, um, kind of like private clubs and that, and that created,
Quincy Amarikwa (34:27):
Yeah, that created opportunity for individuals to build clubs and to, to grow those over time. And it also created the incentive to maintain the pay to play system, right. Uh, if people have invested their time, effort and energy into building things up over a long duration of time, they're definitely not going to be, uh, the first people signing up to tear down what they built. So, um, and, and also understanding and being thankful and grateful to those who built before us because without their platform, without their foundation, without their work effort and energy and commitment over time, though, it might've been flawed and there's problems with it. And it wasn't inclusive to everybody. And there was there's issues as there's issues with everything. Um, if that, if, if, if, if what they had in place didn't last long enough, we wouldn't get to the point where we can now collectively look at what we did, what we were part of or what we, weren't a part of, have a dialogue and conversation about. What's good about it, what's bad about it and how we want to improve it. And in create a system that's more equitable for people here moving forward. So, so yeah, I think that's just relative on all levels of us soccer, right? Grasp grassroots, grassroots college pro, and post pro career. Um, and, uh,
Quincy Amarikwa (36:04):
It's, it's, it's kind of figuring out a way to bridge the gap between, and now I'm thinking even more about how that happens. Um, bridging that gap, bridging that gap. I think that there should always be the opportunity for individuals to charge for their services, um, especially if they're providing a better product or service than, um, their counterparts. But I also think there should be a high level of, um, information and access to those who might not have access to funding to do that for themselves. And I think that's what we're in the process of redefining, redefining and rebuilding as we speak. So like these are very relative relevant conversations to kind of the conversations. I know I'm having internally with a lot of, uh, former teammates and, um, union members and, and, um, uh, organizations and companies that are wanting to do more, wanting to get into the soccer space, wanting to make those investments wanting to, uh, do better for society.
Quincy Amarikwa (37:20):
And part of that process is talking through these issues and problems and, and getting to the root of them and then putting together a plan to attack them and, and, uh, uh, and putting in place commitments to make sure that, you know, when people's motivation dies or their focus shifts to the next shiny object, uh, the, the funding and the investment and the commitment is, is put in place to make sure we get to the, the end goal that we all are. We all will hopefully come into agreement as to what we want to see happen. Um, but yeah, uh,
Quincy Amarikwa (38:12):
Um, let's see something that you guys are having kind of a back and forth here, a positive back and forth. Uh, do you believe coaching players, they have this, uh, soccer dad said iron sharpens iron, correct. Uh, speaking of which, I think there's a, there's an iron sharpens iron talk that I'll be joining in here in like the next week or so, um, to listen in on that's the title of the talk, the team I'm trying, I'm planning to trout for is in Orlando, it's called into Orlando and they play in the UOP SL, is that a good way to get recognized? I mean, uh, if there's any opportunity to get some professional experience on your resume, um, I think that gives you an opportunity to get recognized. Um, and, um, you know, you gotta start somewhere, uh, even on the tectonics talks, uh, in part one, we discussed a bit of my history in terms of coming up through the soccer ranks and, um, I didn't even realize it until, uh, until they had brought it up, but my first professional experience was with Bakersfield brigade, um, um, or playing at a professional level.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:26):
I didn't consider it professional because you would go and play for those USL teams in like your off seasons during college. And you weren't paid so like your, I didn't consider it. Well, I wasn't a professional cause I wasn't paid to play soccer and you couldn't be paid to play and maintain your division one status in the NCTA. So I didn't consider it professional, but in the conversation, technically that was professional level soccer. So you've got to start somewhere. Um, Bakersfield brigade, unfortunately closed, closed its doors several years ago, but, uh, yeah, shout out Jay Gore, uh, my old high school coach and, um, was, uh, was a coach of the brigade.
Quincy Amarikwa (40:15):
Um, let's see, my son is, we'll also be playing a higher level team, so I'm hoping that we'll continue to push him. Yeah. Oh, I agree. You want to, you want to play at the highest level that you can and with the best competition that you possibly can. Um, um, excellent points, true that soccer dad for life, what you've closed, do you play for him? What's your opinion? Let's see, like I said, just turn my heat on Chicago is cold again. Uh, it's hot out here in Cali and I'm wearing my sweater, but it's, it's hot and Kelley it's even hotter. And in Vegas, um, Kendall had said she, she agrees. The club allows you to play against the best, but development is still your responsibility, correct. Your development is your responsibility.
Quincy Amarikwa (41:22):
Love that guys are dropping facts. It's community is high level please in club at early. Uh, okay. So your dad asked really curious if your parents placed you in club at early age, how did they cope with paying more, et cetera, really interested to know your story. Okay. So I had started out with AYSL with my, my dad was a head coach. Our team name was the heat and she'd see if I can find the picture. It's probably my phone, but that would take me awhile to scroll through and find, um, yeah, I played, I played AYSL for a few years and then, um, my dad had had a, I remember my dad had talked to me and said, Hey, it's time that you now have someone else be your coach. And that's when I had signed with the Bakersfield Alliance or signed or joined, signed, uh, joined Bakersfield Alliance.
Quincy Amarikwa (42:20):
So bakers for the lions 87 was my club team. Um, and I played my entire club career with that team. I love those guys. We had a lot of fun. Um, we were in coast league and because we're in coast league and we're based in Bakersfield, like our home field was the closest that we, we were to our home field. It was like an hour and a half. We played down in, um, where we, we played, we played in thousand Oaks. We'd play in Pasadena, we'd play in Lancaster. Um, and then occasionally in San Diego, which was like four hours away, um, in terms of coping with pain, I think my dad's focus was just looking to give myself and my sisters the best possible opportunities he could. And, um, if, and when he saw an opportunity, do you, so I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty sure it's very similar to you.
Quincy Amarikwa (43:17):
You kind of like ended up having to bite the bullet. And if that means he's having to work extra hours or find other contract work or save up and do that, I'm, that's what he did. Um, and he made it happen and because he made it happen. I think my focus always was never to not give a hundred percent of my effort, always I'm on the field, if not just only for my own like selfish, competitive reasons and motivations, but also, cause I understood the world. My dad came from and what he did to get here in the States and what he had accomplished and made possible for myself and my, my sisters as well as where my mom came from and where she started and the work that she did to, to help discipline me, which was a very free spirited, energetic, undisciplined, um, young man with his ideas and wanting to F you know, self confidence and willingness to just want and want and desire to figure things out for himself from, uh, the, the amount of work my mom did too, to help me and, and, and give me the structure and the, the focus and energy that was necessary to, to bring this, bring this together as something that I'll, uh, yeah, I'll appreciate till the end of time and speak, highly speak highly of, of her efforts in what she did, just like I am here right now.
Quincy Amarikwa (45:00):
Cause the works that she did was amazing. And, um, the work that my D my dad did as well as a ma like, I guess I was just looking at my parents and the work that they did and where they came from and what they were doing, and their willingness to create and provide opportunities, even if, and when I knew it was definitely a stretch or making things hard or strain was, was a reason why I didn't not give a hundred percent and maximize and take advantage of every opportunity that came my way. Um, and, uh, to kind of Kendall's point your, your development is your responsibility, your parents, your friends, your family, you know, if you're lucky enough to have them in a support system who can help provide opportunities for you, no matter how many they provide you. And what's there, if you don't take responsibility for yourself and, and those things, and in apply yourself and remain committed, you can be the richest and have the most access to the most, the most people and all that, but you're not gonna accomplish anything. Um, and if you don't have those things and you don't have that network, you don't have that support, then it's even more important that you take personal responsibility for where you are and create that, support that network and learn those things for yourself and build for yourself so that you can create opportunities for yourself. And hopefully eventually, because you had nothing, you started with nothing or close to nothing. Um, when you get there, you understand the importance of creating those opportunities for individuals.
Quincy Amarikwa (46:40):
Um, yeah, guys, we're going deep as we were going deep today. Yeah. So, Um, yeah, that's kinda my history on the club side. Um, Joe Jackson, what's going on? Sorry. I miss most of the live had a varsity game. Come on, man. No worries. Game day. How'd the game go. How'd you do, um, Sage of DVC. How should a number 10 train in your opinion? Well, I guess generally speaking in number 10 is supposed to be the most creative individual in the field. Who's creating opportunities and chances for, uh, their teammates. So I think your focus should be on how to be the best at that You can possibly be. And I think in order to be a very good and successful, number 10, you need to have an amazing first touch. So if you don't have that yet, that should be your sole and only focus. And then build from there.
Quincy Amarikwa (47:53):
MSL fan page said, I have a big soccer game this weekend in the president's cup. I don't know if you heard about it, but do you have any tips to go into the game with a calm, positive mindset and not nerves making a mistake or the pressure? Yes, I would say had to perfect cyber listened to the three S's of self-awareness talk regularly until you can memorize the three S's of self awareness and the process, um, of that mentality, um, by heart, because that is what you can refer back to you. If, and when you start to feel nervous or you, you believe that making mistakes is going to encourage you or push you to making more mistakes. Um, I think that talk will help you better understand, and remember that mistakes are part of the process and you're never not going to make mistakes. So accept that and move forward.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:01):
Let's see
Quincy Amarikwa (49:03):
Soccer dad for life. So thanks for the backstory, man. Now let's go make a documentary. Hey, if I sell enough perfect soccer subscription. So I'll have the, I'll have the funding to go and make the documentary. Uh, so you guys helped me on that and I can get working on that. Uh, Kendall said six, six one in the house. That's right. Uh, amazing idea. Soccer, data, quince, quince. Manary I see what you did there. That's high level.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:32):
Quincy Amarikwa (49:38):
Heck yeah. MSL. I'm still here in Jamaica and I need to get a, a one on one coach when I get back to the States. Well, you should definitely sign up for be pro. Ryan's doing, Oh man, Ryan's doing one, uh, one-on-one uh, personal training sessions. And, uh, like I said, I'd recommend you sign up for B pro weekly, so you can get an idea of the types of sessions and how to go through them. And then I was also talking with Ryan about doing live at home sessions, kind of on zoom calls. So, you know, you sign up for B pro, you've got your weekly program, and then at least one, one day a week, we do one of the workouts, one of the training sessions for the week on a zoom. So we're there on zoom. You can ask questions, you can see how to do the, the, uh, the session. So if you guys would be down for that, you should definitely sign up. Uh, Joe said we lost one zero hard fought game, but it just couldn't put, uh, but just couldn't put anything in the back of the net. I'm disappointed because I started up top. Well, um, it'll be good to you. It'll be good to,
Quincy Amarikwa (50:51):
Quincy Amarikwa (50:52):
Kind of self reflect on the game, understand, uh, your positioning, how you feel the F how you felt in field, the game, the flow of the game went and things that you feel you can do to work on, to improve, to create more opportunities for yourself. Come next game. The ruler joining in what's going on, brother. How you doing? Shout out, shout out my boy. Excuse me. Back in, uh, back in Cincy, joining in showing some love. Good to see you brother, uh, live repulsive, be pro weekly yet when you create your perfect soccer team membership account, uh, you'll see. On the side there there's a weekly soccer training programs at home training programs, uh, beginner, intermediate, and advanced, uh, uh, brand new custom programs made weekly, uh, that you can get access to you there for four bucks a week.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:46):
Quincy Amarikwa (51:50):
So I could have said, take care of everyone. Always great. Joining the lives. Have a good evening. Of course. Thanks for stopping by. And the questions. Hope everything's going. Good. Uh, MSL fan page said the real, uh, the ruler. Get ready to take the fat L when you play DC on Sunday of almost United. I love that. I love that competitive, that competitive spirit. I didn't know D C plays since he, this weekend. That'll be interesting to see.
Quincy Amarikwa (52:16):
Um, uh,
Quincy Amarikwa (52:24):
Man, it has been a long day. I've got about three minutes here before Instagram will officially kick me off. So if anybody has any questions before we wrap up, today's show, make sure you drop them down here below. Um, Joe, we have a game, we have game film so I can go back and look at it from outward perspective. Okay. Dope. So that's crazy, man. Joe, how old are you? What level are you playing at?
Quincy Amarikwa (52:52):
Quincy Amarikwa (52:57):
I think rulers dropping in, dropping in, bouncing out. I don't know what's going on.
Quincy Amarikwa (53:06):
Quincy Amarikwa (53:06):
Your side, but let's see. There we go. Um, let's see. You got any more?
Quincy Amarikwa (53:18):
Okay. We already,
Quincy Amarikwa (53:22):
And it had a question, but nothing came 16 and playing varsity. All right, Joe. Um, yeah, no, that's dope to hear that you have game film and you can watch it and you have access to that. I may, I might have like two or three of my high school games on film on like a little old school cam quarter and probably half of it is just the ground. Cause my dad, as soon as he's watching something good, he turns the camera down and it's on probably like those little, you know, VHS tapes somewhere in a box in my closet. So the fact that you can, you already have access to watch your game. Kendall said we have game film at 12.
Quincy Amarikwa (54:11):
Oh man. Yeah. New world clearly. Wow. You're watching game film at 12 years old. You've access to watch your games. You guys, you have access to watch your games at 12 years old and like self reflect and think about what you could do and how you can improve, improve your game and your teammates and your positioning as well as join the live every Thursday at 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST had talked to a pro and ask your questions and get real time feedback and D and B pro weekly training programs and have access to the online training center and all the books and resources. And I mean, if you guys don't end up getting to the SU, he had cancel, drop them in your head that you guys are definitely in my head. I hope I hope being in my head is helping you guys kill it in the soccer space.
Quincy Amarikwa (55:05):
And we're about to make we're about to greatly upgrade the soccer IQ of the entire U S market here over the next couple of years. Um, um, you know, I'm, uh, I'm counting on you guys to, to improve soccer culture and take us to that next level and wins the world cup 2026. Yeah, 20, 26 and six years here. You know, you've 12 now six years 18, you can do it. They don't want to see you on, in that the world cup, uh, yelling, MSL, banging a goal, dropping the mind and your head emojis, uh, Joe Joe, you're 16, 20, 22. You guys got plenty of time and plenty of resources.
Quincy Amarikwa (55:57):
You know, I feel, you know, I feel bad for the people who don't know about this show yet. So they're already behind the work that you guys are putting in and the understanding of the game that you have, people are going to be wondering in the future, what, how they miss this and why they're just now finding out about it. Uh, Joe dropped in your head, uh, take away from tonight's. Uh, Benjamin said, take away from tonight's live women, midfielders, uh, job is to create world peace. Eh, there you go. That's the takeaway from the live, that's a good takeaway, right? Uh, I think we're, we're having real high level conversations and going real deep, man.
Quincy Amarikwa (56:55):
Yeah. Um, I'm, uh, I'm very much looking forward to hearing about where everybody who listens to this regularly joins in now and in the future ends up. Uh, it's going to be dope to see. Uh, but yeah, I got a minute left. Lucas had, sorry for joining late, but what do you think about the rumors of MLS making a [inaudible] league instead of USL for all of the teams? I'm just now hearing that for the first time. So I'll have to think a little bit about that. And, uh, hopefully we'll talk about that here next week. Um, MSL fanpage said I'm 16. I got you. Quincy, I'll save a PK and do that. I'm in your head waiting for next week. All right, everybody, I got a minute here. A Instagram is going to kick me off. Luca, thanks for joining in. No worries. Popping in late let's table that for next week, um, uh, Luca said it's just a small rumor.
Quincy Amarikwa (57:51):
Well, you know, by making it a small rumor and how influential we are on this show and how deep we talk about these conversations, uh, might turn into something big. So, uh, I don't know. We'll see everyone job, red emojis, MSL army grows a very influential group of individuals. And, uh, I love seeing you guys joined in every week and, and, uh, putting in that work, staying committed, but, uh, everybody thank you very much for joining in for this week's episode. Uh, I will, I'll be seeing everybody here, same time, same place next week. Uh, hope you have a good rest of your week and weekend and, uh, looking forward to the questions from everybody. Uh, okay. Yup. Yeah. I had training and homework student athlete. That's right. Student comes first. Love that. Um, yeah, you guys are saying the right things. I hope when, when you're not here, you're doing the right things. So, uh, thanks a lot, guys. Everybody stay safe and I'll see you next Thursday. Alright.